The Moon will be in Gemini all day which can help you see both sides of the situation and even the day’s themes. It is a communicative, open, dynamic air sign that can help focus on the details of what comes up for you today. But it is also a day to practice discernment. There may appear to be a pause astrologically in the energy that you are feeling, yet it does not necessarily feel that way to you. During quiet times in astrology, it is usually a time to let things simmer so that you can process them more deeply. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Weekly Horoscopes For June 27 - July 3, 2022 This can, of course, be an opportunity for you to learn something and reflect on what is going on. Still, there is a possibility you also could be feeling a push to rush things. Instead of finding peace in processing what feels left undone, there is a risk of jumping to conclusions, heightened anxiety, and even disagreements. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Get Back With An Ex During The Moon Conjunct Venus On Sunday, June 26, 2022 It is normal when the energy calls for quiet and processing that you would struggle at times in the apparent presence of inaction. Still, it does not mean that there is anything you really need to rush. Try to stay patient today. Practice pausing before responding or choosing what to do, knowing it is much healthier to step back than regretting what cannot be reversed. As much as it may seem like nothing is happening today, it is. Trust this process and recognize that the only thing you can control is yourself, which means silence is not just golden; it is also the path towards achieving your dreams. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Tarot Card Reading For July 1 - 31, 2022

The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Sunday, June 26, 2022:

1. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20) Venus in Gemini connects with the Moon in Gemini today, causing you to be more sensitive than normal. You may feel that your feelings have been hurt or that an injustice has been committed against you. Suppose you have been trying to initiate change within your relationship with a particular person, romantic or otherwise, today. In that case, you may feel like there is not too little progress being made. Their words and actions will feel very personal to you and have the capability to feel like it even changes how you feel. Instead of choosing to address it today, give yourself some time and space to settle down. There may be some processing benefits for you about any truths that have come up, but you may just need to keep yourself in check and not say the first thing that comes to mind. On the other side, you also are getting an opportunity to feel more into your insecurities, which can help you feel more nurturing and caring. You may want to spend time relaxing in the quiet at home, making comfort food, and taking care of your needs. Let everything else take care of itself another day. RELATED: 4 Cruel Ways You Hurt Your Partner Without Saying A Word

2. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) Much of the energy will radiate into your romantic life today as Venus in Taurus and the Moon are both in Gemini. This means that while the skies are quiet, you may feel the pressure of everything you are not yet saying. You need quiet to process things more than most, and a level of self-care involves you being able to do that for yourself. At a certain point, though, you do become aware of the need to start sharing how it is you are feeling and even the repercussions that occur when you do not. Make sure that you do not rush things today. You have been patient for a great deal of time during this current phase of your journey in making sure that you were getting down to the bottom of things for yourself, so do not go and start pushing things now. Truthfully, the desire to act or have that conversation is something you can glean even more truth from. As much as you like to set off in search of it in others and around the world, your own can sometimes become lost to you. Take the path within today and recognize that you have already come so far. It is just a bit further to the life of your dreams. RELATED: The Zodiac Signs Who Can’t Accept The Truth Vs. The Ones Who Call It As They See It, Ranked

3. Aries

(March 21 - April 19) Jupiter in your zodiac sign today aligning with the Gemini Moon brings you warm, radiating energy. This will infuse you with the confidence that you need to take those next steps in your life. There are many distinct phases of action, especially those changes rooted in our emotional growth. A big part of it is simply accepting that a change is indeed on the way. This should be something you have already worked through and looking at options, timing, or planning. Take today to focus on some of that work without inviting the opinions of others or even acting just yet. You are doing things very differently than before, and everything you have experienced has led you to this moment. Look for where you intuitively feel drawn to, as Jupiter in Aries will also form a powerful connection to the North Node in Taurus, which governs your fate. Planning for purpose is crucial to success. Get serious about the life you genuinely want, and then be determined not to let anything stand in the way. RELATED: 12 ‘Bucket List’ Experiences That Will Finally Give Your Life Real Meaning Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.