Mercury, the planet that rules your mind, has been in retrograde since the beginning of September. First, in Libra, it asked you to reflect on the fairness or balance of themes in your life, and then once it transitioned into Virgo you began focusing on the details that you had previously overlooked. Now as it turns direct in Virgo, there is a clarity that returns which allows you to not only feel greater confidence in moving ahead but also peace with where you are in life. Mercury retrogrades are short compared to other planets like Saturn or Pluto, both of which are also turning direct this month, but they tend to pack a dramatic punch. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Refuse To Change For Love During The Moon Square Venus On October 2, 2022 This retrograde season, Mercury made the sixth planet start reversing its direction in the skies, seemingly like it was the tipping point for everything falling apart – or together, depending on how you happened to look at it. As this planet turns direct today, it coincides with the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn representing a powerful message from the universe.     The spiritual meaning of a First Quarter Moon is to keep moving ahead regardless of the doubts or fears that may surface along the way as they will only hold you back from what is truly meant for you. Even though Mercury is now direct as of today, it is still working through its post-shadow phase for the next few weeks as it gains momentum and returns to its regular speed and positioning. Just because things feel clearer today does not mean that you may be able to plan out every detail of what is to come or that those annoying little doubts and fears are finally silent. But the message is to not let anything hold you back, to take one step at a time, and to remember that the biggest changes in your life are often those which are taken by the smallest steps. In the coming weeks, it will be obvious that October is vastly different from September. Not only are numerous planets turning direct, but Eclipse Season is here as well which means that it is a wild card month. Think you know just how everything will play out? The month ahead will show you otherwise. But in this, there is divine order and timing. Mercury turning direct today is only the first step, one that is strengthened by the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn. There is a balance between being able to figure out that next step and trusting that the one ten paces from now will reveal itself as you take chances, not give up and remember that clarity always arrives at the moment that you are ready for it. Today’s energy represents the first of many shifts to come, it is time to focus more on what is to come rather than what is behind you.

These are the three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Sunday, October 2, 2022:

1. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19) The First Quarter Moon in Capricorn today gives you the confidence to trust your inner knowing and guidance, no matter what life may look like around you right now. As an earth sign that believes in challenging work and diligence, you are able to often accomplish anything. However, you usually base this on how things are looking externally for you and whether you are seeing the result that you are seeking. Today’s first quarter moon is asking you to instead trust your own feelings. This is new for you as you are not always the most emotionally connected, but part of your growth is understanding that sometimes you have to align to your truth first before you start to see life do the same. RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Deals With The Hardest Moments Of Their Life

2. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22) Mercury has been working magic in your life for the past few weeks even though it may have felt like it was not. During this time, you have been able to reflect more deeply on what is real and what you need to address so that you have a more stable foundation in your relationships, career, and even with yourself. As much as you tend to be able to give attention to details, there is a part of you that can get caught up in fixing a situation or person and overlook what you inherently know is real. As Mercury turns direct and the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn highlights your sense of expression, you are being given an opportunity to address all you have been observing. This open communication is what will start to heal what you have realized has been broken. RELATED: How Moon Sign Compatibility Affects Relationships

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) As a Pisces, it seems like no matter how good life is going if there are issues in your romantic life it ends up affecting everything else. This is because love is your life. Virgo rules this aspect of your romantic relationships which means as Mercury turns direct in this sign you should start to see an improvement in this area. Virgo helps you see what you gloss over using your rose-colored glasses when it comes to love. It helps you be able to formulate your thoughts and your words so that you can clearly communicate what you have been reflecting on. Clarity comes from understanding your needs and realizing that any great love will also require great communication. RELATED: Should You Get Married During Mercury Retrograde? Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.