Today is one that Taurus, Scorpio, and Pisces have been waiting for even if they have not necessarily been aware of it. Saturn now turns direct. Starting today, October 23, 2022, you are able to move ahead in all the ways you have been wanting to.   Yesterday the Venus Star Point was giving you rebirth in the relationship that you have with yourself and with others.  Now, today the cosmos continues its divine play and help bring you one step closer to your destiny.  The biggest news today is that Saturn, Lord of time and karma, turns directly within the air sign of Aquarius.  Saturn rules karmic lessons, boundaries, obstacles, and even limitations.  In the zodiac sign of Aquarius, it has been working to create more freedom within your life by having you overcome what has been prohibiting your growth or truth.   Saturn has been retrograding since June 4th in Aquarius, while it may have felt like a time of endless delays and obstacles, it was actually a time for you to go within and to reflect internally on the themes that this planet represents.   Even more significant is that this is the last Saturn retrograde in Aquarius until 2050 which means that this particular period will have served to be incredibly important for your life path.   Today, Juno, the asteroid that governs marriage and contracts, also turns direct in Pisces.   RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Let Go Of Toxic Friends During Venus In Scorpio Starting October 23, 2022 This allows you to be able to move ahead with greater commitment in your relationships as well as those important and legal contracts which can improve your career and finances.   The universe never makes a mistake and while it may have felt like nothing was going right, Saturn and Juno retrograde together helped you from making a choice before you knew all the necessary information.   Sometimes there are certain days when it seems everything is happening all at once, and that is precisely what today brings as the Sun shifts into Scorpio beginning Scorpio Season alongside Venus just as Saturn and Juno both turn direct.  Eclipse Season officially began with the lunar cycle on October 8th in Aries, today brings you one step closer to the two-week period between eclipses which is known as the cosmic rabbit hole because you can never know at this moment where you will be led.   Eclipse Season is known for wild card energy, for unexpected moments or opportunities, and for somehow within all the craziness delivering you precisely to exactly what you had been wishing for.   The Sun in Scorpio brings an intensity that will be felt within every aspect of your life including your romantic life while the New Moon Solar Eclipse will bring about changes so that you can honor more of what truly lights you up.   The time has passed on subpar, mediocre, or those aspects of life which feel more like a choice because you are not energetically attached to them.   RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On October 23, 2022 Only the amazing will last, only that which gives as much energy to you as you give to it.   Today is the major shift that you have been hoping would help you get to that next chapter of your life, now all you need to do is make sure you are working with the universe and not against it.  

Which three zodiac signs have the best horoscopes on Sunday, October 23, 2022?

Check out the following horoscopes if you’re a Taurus, Scorpio, or Pisces because today can be your best day yet.

1. Taurus  

(April 20 - May 20)  Today all this Scorpio energy is really giving you a chance to focus on your romantic life. With the Sun and Venus alongside Scorpio with the New Moon Solar Eclipse, it is likely that there is a tremendous change in store with regard to your relationship and how you are currently conducting it. Solar Eclipses tend to bring changes to your external life, so this is something about either clearing space for what is truly in alignment with you or committing more deeply to a connection you had previously been intimidated by. You may have felt like life has been out of control lately, but that is only so that you learn what is amazing will always be unexpected.   RELATED: 10 Subtle Ways The Universe Warns You When Your Life Is About To Change

2. Scorpio  

(October 23 - November 21)  The growth that you are seeing within yourself has been a long time coming. Sun and Venus in Scorpio are helping you to discover that you have learned what that sometimes-elusive self-love actually feels like. The Solar Eclipse occurs here prompting some changes in your external life that align more deeply with the growth that you have recently been through. Saturn is also just turning direct opening up movement within your home life while it squares off still with Uranus in Taurus, ruler of your romantic relationships. This is an area that will evolve deeply over the next few weeks as a greater foundation will be put in place to help support you in this new life that you are currently building.   RELATED: How The Universe Lets You Know You’re On The Right Track (Finally!)

3. Pisces  

(February 19 - March 20)  You are entering an incredibly lucky time for yourself as Scorpio energy represents this part of your life. Now that Venus and Sun are both in this sign and the New Moon Solar Eclipse is occurring, it is time for you to get back to some projects that you have put on the back burner for a while. This part of your life, besides representing luck, also has to do with travel, new adventures, education, projects, and even your soul’s purpose. You are being given a gift from the universe to remember that you came here for a reason and that it is up to you to tap into that divine knowledge so you can make the most of this energy. Proposals or opportunities will be coming in around this time, with Juno turning direct today, just know that it is safe to say yes.   RELATED: 10 Subtle Ways The Universe Warns You When You’re In Trouble Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.