Trickster planet Mercury again begins its retrograde journey through the earth sign of Capricorn. And despite things happening in astrology, the universe has bigger plans. Mercury is the messenger of the Gods and rules thinking and speaking through written and verbal communication. Since the start of the month, Mercury has been in Capricorn; we can talk openly about plans, limitations, or restrictions, professional or soul purpose themes and the mundane details that make up stability within life. Capricorn is an earth sign ruled by Saturn, known as the lord of time and karma and the planet that governs divine timing. Because Mercury retrograde takes place in Capricorn, karmic energy is associated with this retrograde period, resulting from past choices and actions. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Selfish In Love During Mercury Retrograde, December 28, 2022 - January 18, 2023 Now that it is doing so today, there will be an opportunity to revisit specific themes within your life for better clarity and stability moving forward. Mercury retrograde will bring reflection and conversations about what you must overcome to accomplish your plans. Merc Rx can affect your professional life and how you handle life’s tiny details—doctors’ appointments or scheduling vehicle maintenance services. Capricorn is down to earth. While driven to succeed, it tends to focus on many details that excitement and vitality in life tend to overlook. During the Mercury rx phase, the universe allows you to revisit your original thoughts and ideas to sort out weaknesses or challenges that prevent future success. With Venus and the Sun in this sign, it will likely affect romantic relationships and the plans and direction within these unions, which often becomes important. This is your chance to appreciate the pause you will experience and try to find its purpose. Mercury may go haywire regarding plans or conversations; however, it always comes with a greater purpose. Mars has been retrograding within Gemini since late October. Mars is the planet of action and ambition, and now Mercury joins it in this phase of delayed gratification. Because Mars rules action, there has already been a delay in feeling like you can move ahead. Still, as Mercury joins in, its purpose will become clear. No matter how frustrating a delay can first seem, its ultimate purpose is so that everything always happens within divine timing. The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Thursday, December 29, 2022:

1. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)  Mercury was the first planet to shift into your zodiac sign early in the month, with Venus joining it shortly after. Now that the Sun has moved into Capricorn, beginning your zodiac season, it is time to understand the purpose of what you are moving through even more deeply. Mercury retrograde within your zodiac sign will bring up an inner reflection of your needs, wants and the beliefs that govern the choices that you make in your life. RELATED: 5 Ways The Universe Tells You It’s Time To Change Course & Find A New Destiny

2. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) The earth sign of Capricorn rules your communication sector, so while Mercury goes on its retrograde astrological journey, you will feel it more strongly. This does not mean it will be bad. Still, it will help resolve themes within your life and even your communication methods that have felt challenging. Mercury in Capricorn in this part of your life does not just mean that communication will be essential in the next few weeks but that how you think and speak will be equally important. During this time, the purpose of everything is to create a more stable foundation for you in terms of whatever you have seen rise in your life recently. It is a chance to slow down, think twice before speaking, and focus on security rather than momentary excitement. RELATED: 10 Subtle Ways The Universe Warns You When Your Life Is About To Change

3. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22) During this Mercury retrograde phase, how you express your innermost truth will come into play, especially where it is concerned with a committed relationship. Capricorn energy rules over the part of your life that includes self-expression, joy, creativity, committed relationships and even children. During this retrograde phase, it will be a chance for you to bring greater understanding and security to these important themes. It is important to remember that Mercury retrograde tends to bring up things from the past that need to be processed more deeply so that a new perspective or plan can be shaped. Instead of looking at things dismissively or analytically, thinking it is in the past, so it is pointless, try to see everything that arises as a new opportunity not just for understanding but also for healing. RELATED: 9 Ways To Quiet Your Mind & Follow The Path The Universe Has Laid Out For You Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.