Thursday brings in the Libra Moon which will help you reorientate yourself to find some greater balance within yourself and your life. The energy is not a pause of inaction but one to re-center yourself and your priorities before the next part of your journey begins.   With the Moon in Libra today there is a focus on interpersonal dynamics, especially romantic relationships.   If your relationship is a source of peace then today you may be drawn to spend some quality time together which will help that feeling of balance and grounding, however if not, then it may make you startingly aware of exactly what does need to change in your life.   Later in the day the Libra Moon unites with Mercury in Gemini which will help you to take in this pause today and make good use of it. It enables your mind to think of solutions to problems or even new awareness with greater insight and sensitivity.   Change is never easy and the Lunar Eclipse in a couple days will bring about some final clarity on just who and what is supposed to be in that next part of your journey and who is not.   RELATED: How Mercury Retrograde In Gemini Affects Each Zodiac Sign’s Horoscope From May To June 2022

The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Thursday, May 12, 2022:

1. Libra  

(September 23 - October 22)  Today will bring a greater sense of peace to past events that you’ve still been processing. It also will allow you to be more centered and clearer about moving forward. For you, feeling balanced is more important than it is for most. With so many changes happening romantically for you in the past year and how you operate within relationships, today also provides an opportunity for you to check in with yourself to see how you are feeling. You will be more in touch with your feelings today which will let you be able to reflect on if your needs are being met or if there was any part of a past patten that you have let continue. With the lunar eclipse just around the corner, there may be even more significant changes in store for you. This makes today even more essential so that you can truly feel more grounded in being able to take stock of what is working and what is not. Mercury does connect with the Libra Moon later in the day suggesting that a conversation will be taking place or even some journaling time with your own thoughts. Just make sure that you are honoring those parts of yourself that need reciprocity from those in your life, because part of your growth has been making sure that you do not allow anyone to treat you in ways that you do not deserve.   RELATED: 10 Subtle Ways The Universe Warns You When Life Is About To Get Crazy

2. Gemini  

(May 21 - June 20)  As an air sign, that feeling of groundedness can be elusive, at least in the way that it is traditionally thought of. For you, a sign that always carries a sense of duality with it means that you can often struggle with feeling like you are all in. Regardless of whether it is work or even love, being completely sure and positive about something is often something that takes a great deal of time to work through and create. Mercury in your sign currently is bringing up all sorts of past decisions and agreements that you had made. But likely when you did, it was not necessarily being all in even if you thought it, was a promising idea. As Mercury in Gemini connects with the Libra Moon today you will get a deeper sense of what your true feelings are about an important matter. This may not be groundedness for some, but for you knowing whether something or even someone is what you want to go all in or not brings the clarity for you to act. By doing so it stops the perpetual loop of just thinking about the different scenarios or sides of a situation and lets you know without any doubt what it is you want. The energy today could bring a deepening within a current relationship that began last June or even a new level within your career. This is the magic that comes from knowing intuitively what is meant for you and what is not, trust this.   RELATED: How Mercury In Retrograde Affects Each Zodiac Sign (Because Yes, It’s Baaaaack!)

3. Sagittarius  

(November 22 - December 21)  Passion is not something that you often have to contend with but finding a sense of balance is. As you are still under the energy of Mercury in Gemini lighting up all aspects of romance, love, and relationships, today serves an important milestone to reflect on the balance that you need to feel your best. Balance for everyone is different depending on what each person’s individual needs are. This means that you also may have to be a part of a conversation today in which you share what yours means to you. Of course, you may not feel completely ready to do so, which is something you should honor so long as you remember that the only way to create the future you desire is to also speak about your desire to do so. Mars is still in Pisces, which means that there is some action to take in your home and family life. Whether this is a beginning, ending or even some variation of it is important to not act as if there is an endless amount of time for you to have a hand in creating what comes next. The Libra Moon today not only helps you explore the balance that you feel in relationships, but it is also going to ask you to discover that between the space of your romantic relationship and the community that you surround yourself with. It is up to you to create what you want and even need, today is a monumental step to be able to do just that.   RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Crush Gets Revealed During The Sun Sextile Mars This Summer 2022 Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.