This is part of the magic of Sagittarius; in order to receive more of what you want in life; you have to focus on it. The New Moon in Sagittarius peaked in the evening hours yesterday so today the themes of this lunar event will still be especially strong. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On November 24, 2022     During the day, the Sagittarius Moon connects with Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius and enjoys the positive energy of their union together. Mercury and Venus are so close together right now it’s as if it’s a cosmic kiss from the universe. Mercury rules communication and Venus is a relationship, which means that when new beginnings are favored, important conversations will be a key component of that. The eclipses of October and November focused much of their energy on how you approach your romantic relationship and what beliefs govern the actions that you take. Even though important realizations and events occurred, you needed time to process and reflect. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With Family Drama During The Moon Sextile Saturn On November 24, 2022 It was a phase of understanding what it all means and what you will choose to do with the new information. The New Moon in Sagittarius yesterday infused you with hope and Jupiter’s turning direct helped you to believe in the silver life of any recent challenge you’ve been moving through. Because of this, you will be feeling more positive today, and more optimistic about initiating your own new beginning. Wherever in your life, you have felt at a crossroads in the past few months, the way forward will become clearer. You will have greater confidence and direction which allows you to move through all of it with greater grace. The Sagittarian Moon uniting with Mercury and Venus means that you are going to be more connected to your emotional self which means you are not going to be having conversations about what you think but instead what you feel. This is part of the lesson and even the magic of Sagittarius because when it comes to those aspects of your life which mean the most, it’s not about logic but love. RELATED: The Daily Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On Thursday, November 24, 2022 Today is Jupiter’s first full-day direct, so you will be experiencing a high from life and from believing that everything is happening as it’s meant to and always was. Later in the day, the Sagittarius Moon creates a positive karmic point with Saturn in Aquarius giving you a dose of accountability and responsibility for how you want to conduct yourself in this new chapter of your life. As you begin to understand that you can follow your passions and stay in your integrity, it actually opens up completely new ways of seeing everything. And it also allows the universe to start working in ways that you have previously been blocking. Because it is a brand-new day, it is time to see it as such.

The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for Thursday, November 24, 2022:

1. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) You will still be riding high from yesterday’s influx of positive energy. Use this time to get clear on what you want. Too often you overthink, which creates self-doubt and that is not the purpose of this energy. Trust yourself, know that you feel how you do for a specific reason, and it is up to you to honor that. If you do not start putting your own self and dreams first, then no one else will either. There are changes brewing in the most sensitive parts of your life, romance, and home. These are unavoidable this time around as you have had opportunities in the past to make changes but have put them off. Now the universe is not giving you a choice. All of this will lead to a more abundant and joyful life, you just need to embrace this moment so that you can trust how to build a bridge into the next. RELATED: What Your Juno Sign Reveals About Your Deepest Relationship Needs

2. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18) Saturn has been direct now for about a month which means that you should have been feeling less restricted and blocked. Today Saturn in Aquarius meets up in a karmic union with the Sagittarius Moon. This might hold some clarity for you on a theme that was happening within your life back in May of 2022. With Sagittarius affecting the part of your life that represents your social circle and Saturn highlighting your own sense of self, there may be some truths coming out or rearranging in this arena. You have gone through your own rebirth period of working through your past so that you can step more fully into the life that you have created. This alignment today helps you recognize all that has changed and how now that you understand you are a completely different person, life looks completely different as well. RELATED: Your Soul Contract And How To Fulfill It, Based On Your Sun & Moon Signs

3. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22) Sagittarius holds reign over your home life and with the New Moon that just occurred it means that it is time for you to embrace the new beginning at hand. It may be fully embarking on a new chapter, or it could be having to wrap up the old so that you can feel like you are moving ahead. The feeling of stuckness that you have had the past few months was largely attributed to Jupiter’s retrograde in Pisces. Now that it turned direct yesterday, you will understand the gravity of your thoughts more deeply, which will let you grasp the Sagittarian new beginning that is promised. Today is remarkably similar to the energy yesterday except that you may actually have opportunities or important conversations arise which herald the start of the transition in this area of your life. Try to stay in the moment and play the role of observer until you know without a shadow of a doubt that it is time to act. RELATED: The Best (And Worst) Zodiac Compatibility For Each Sign Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.