Change is in the air as you are still figuring out exactly how the Uranus North Node union in Taurus will affect you, but today’s astrology will also bring focus to romantic relationships. Romantic relationships are more than two people traveling through life together. The single most determining factor for where you go in life is the partner you pick to be with you during your journey. And, who you chose to be in a relationship with has a lot to do with your personal development.  RELATED: Weekly Love Horoscope For August 1 - August 7, 2022 No one is perfect, and no one has it all figured out, so even during deep healing or growth, your romantic relationship holds the power to affect your entire life. It is no surprise that one of the first areas affected by the Uranus North Node union in Taurus is your romantic relationships because decisions about commitment, potential partners and future goals touch all the changes you need to make. It’s also important to note that on Tuesday, Venus in Cancer and Mars in Taurus bring their masculine and feminine energies together. Expect a sweetness to love, and a desire to enjoy life with someone, but most of all, enjoy being in love. Uranus in Taurus will connect with Venus and Mars throughout the day edging you to change and see things as they really are and not as you wished they could be.     This signifies the changes that need to take place in your romantic life and frees you to explore other possibilities. You may start to align with a partner that is going to help you achieve them together instead of holding you back out from fear. Right now, the influence of Uranus is especially strong, so be mindful of what seems to be coming together or falling apart. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Luckiest Day Of The Month For August 2022 Pay attention to what seems like a brand-new cycle versus a pattern that you have been participating in for some time. This is the time for a change, and there is no greater transformation than that of your romantic relationship.

The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Tuesday, August 2, 2022:

1. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22) Venus has been in your zodiac sign helping you connect to how you need to be loved and cared for in your relationship. So an existing relationship may have seemed like it’s been improving, and you may feel like you’re ready to open yourself up to love again. Venus in Cancer is concerned with love but more so with what that love looks like and how it shows up. Because Cancer rules the sign of the home, committed relationships have taken center stage as well as how you feel about yourself and what kind of love you accept because of that. Today Venus aligns with Mars and with Uranus — both in Taurus — giving you a chance to see what changes are on the horizon. The better you feel about yourself, the better the type of love you will choose to accept. Mars in Taurus is grounded; yet, still incredibly motivated while Uranus’s energy is extraordinarily strong right now, so you are encouraged to seek changes that are for your benefit even if they seem intimidating. This presents an opportunity for you to change the dynamics in an existing relationship, attract a new partner, or level up your ability to advocate for yourself and your needs. You do not have to make any rash decisions today even if you feel that you must. Instead, simply take stock of things and see where changes have happened. RELATED: The Best Hobby For Each Zodiac Sign, According To Astrology

2. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20) You have been receiving quite an energetic boost lately due to the Uranus North Node Union and now Mars is coming out to play as well. This is the time to get serious about those decisions you are making romantically, being sure that they are supporting the life that you genuinely want to live and are not those that are just satisfying within this moment. Especially with Uranus now in a rebuilding phase within your sign, it is time to get serious about recognizing just how large a part your romantic relationship plays in the life that you end up leading. It can be challenging to see and accept this, but the sooner you do, the sooner you can start making decisions that support the life you now want to build. Looking at your own romantic choices gives you a great lens to see yourself as they will help to show you what you are healing or growing in life as well as what beliefs are supporting or disrupting you from living life according to your dreams. It is a choice that you must make which will allow you to step into a new phase that will arise today and in the coming days. Do not be afraid to take a chance or risk as the stars are heavily supporting you right now, especially if it comes down to finally following your heart. RELATED: Why Women Start Acting Distant And Pull Away, According To Astrology

3. Libra

(September 23 - October 22) The Moon is in your zodiac sign all day as Mars, Venus and Uranus align creating the perfect environment for you to gauge how you feel and then how you make new decisions based on your own truth. There has been a wave of change in your romantic life since last fall when you started to recognize your own worth and then make different choices because of it. Now though, it is time to reflect on how you feel about everything. It has been a year since this new energy took root within you and this is a chance to see if you have been able to choose differently or if any remaining sign of the old still has a hold on you. Today your feelings will run deep allowing you to understand how you feel about your romantic choices and how that connects to the growth that you have been moving through. Mars in Taurus and Venus in Cancer provide the opportunity for you to envision the love that you truly desire while Uranus will help you understand how to make it a reality. Just because you have made steps forward does not mean that there still is no room to grow. Return to yourself and your own needs for love and for feeling valued in your relationship so that you can continue to make decisions and choices that will only support your growth and not your wounding. RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Deals With The Hardest Moments Of Their Life Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.