While the air has been heavy with six retrograde planets all helping to have you slow down and reflect, there have also been gifted moments of great insight and awareness. The most important thing that has come to light over the past week is the truth of your own feelings. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly One Card Tarot Reading For September 18 - 25, 2022 It may be in terms of your career, relationship, or even just in terms of your own growth, but it seems that not only can you no longer ignore the truth, but you also don’t want to. This is progress in a subtle yet magnified way as you will begin to realize that all of the reasons that have kept you stagnant no longer apply. It’s as if you’re seeing things for the first time and suddenly you realize that nothing ever was that complicated or challenging but only that you lacked the ability to believe in everything working out precisely as it is meant to. The Cancer Moon shifts into Leo later in the day after connecting with Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn. RELATED: The 4 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships During The Month Of September 2022 A shift has occurred and while it may not yet be the time to take full action, you have reached a point where there is no returning from. Neptune in Pisces helps you not only feel more hopeful but also that you are being directed by a source that is greater than just you. Pluto in Capricorn is helping to chip away at the structures of your life that have been holding you back from being yourself and living the life that is meant for you. As this energy collides with the Cancer Moon and Virgo Sun it will be time to start putting it all down on paper, making this a great day to start planning. This is also part of the purpose of the retrogrades so that you’re not just reflecting but actually taking charge of making the plans that will actually lead to the destination that you have in your dreams. Plan out what steps are needed to empower yourself, set yourself free, and begin to set yourself on the trajectory of success. RELATED: The 4 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships During The Month Of September 2022 These plans may shift over the coming weeks as Mercury finishes its retrograde in Libra, but beginning this process is important because you’re sending the message to the universe that you are taking charge of your own destiny and that you are ready for the next level of your life. Once the Moon awakens within Leo in the evening hours, it will be time to be more courageous and bolder in the pursuit of what is most meaningful to you, helping you to truly harness the power of your dreams.

The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 are:

1. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) Neptune in Pisces is at home in the tranquil and dreamy waters of your sign today. As it connects to the Cancer Moon, it enables you to feel more deeply connected to yourself and all of those around you. This will also help bring a sense of peace and ease to whatever you have been moving through recently which may have presented a challenge. Since the Pisces Full Moon a few weeks ago you have been working to regain that sense of stability that is found through feeling connected to a higher source or power. Today this energy returns, and it seems you can finally exhale as you are able to remember who you are. Take today to release any of those emotional burdens that you have been carrying so that you can step into deeper reflection over where you want to take your life at this point. You can do anything that you can dream but you also need to make sure you put the plans in place to make it happen. RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Self-Soothes And Relaxes

2. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22) Have courage over your words, dear Cancer. As the Moon transitions from Cancer into Leo, it’s time to breathe deeply and settle into the confidence that comes from knowing that you can no longer stay silent on the things that matter. When you speak your truth everything else inherently changes. That is the nature of life and the power of authenticity. But you need to own that. There is no room for a shrinking violet in a world that demands your boldness. Use your sensitivity as a strength. Use your truth as a sword. And make sure that as you begin to navigate this new phase of your life you own the power of your words. You own the effects that they have and the plans that they ensue. This is the purpose of doing all of the work that you have. So that you can step into newness and so you can wake up knowing that the life that you’re living is precisely the one that you are meant to. RELATED: 3 Brutal Truths About Romantic Love That Are Really Hard To Hear

3. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22) The Sun is in its final days in Virgo before it meanders on into Libra making this a powerful time to harness what this zodiac season has been about for you. Venus is in your sign as well, marking this as an important time for you to reflect on who you are and how deep that self-love actually goes. Look for ways that you can forgive yourself today which allows more freedom and opportunities for yourself moving forward. Whether it’s the forgiveness of another or even of your own self, it’s time to truly let this be the line in the sand that you draw. There is no point in constantly reflecting on what has previously happened or how things have gone wrong in the past. As Uranus in Taurus unites with Venus in your sign it’s time to give yourself freedom from thinking that things could have gone any different than they already have. RELATED: How To Forgive Yourself (Even When It Feels Impossible) Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.