This entire month has been about pushing you from your comfort zone so that you could take a chance on pursuing the dreams that are closest to your heart.   Although the eclipse is still a few days away, as you near it, the astrology increases as well giving you more opportunities to do something different.   For much of the day the Moon is still in Pisces which connects with Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury, and Pluto before shifting into Aries.   The moon represents your emotional self and in Pisces this is felt even more strongly.   RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Luckiest Day Of The Month For May 2022 Combined with the planetary connections that it makes represent a time for you to feel the full magnitude of your feelings and to even start expressing them because they will lead to not just your dreams coming true but living an abundant life.   Whether it is speaking aloud to yourself or to those that play a significant role in your life, there is something coming today which will help you to see that you can only stay for so long in a situation that is just not meant for you.   As you end the day with the Aries Moon, it is not a time to start feeling the desire to act.   It is as if the universe has finally spoken to you and this time you are determined to listen.  

Aries, Pisces, and Virgo are the three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Wednesday, April 27, 2022.

1. Aries  

(March 21 - April 19)  You do not always trust your first initial feelings. Especially if they have to do with the inner most parts of your life. Part of this is that you become aware of your desire to move ahead and better yourself, so you often doubt if you are just bored or if you truly are feeling the way that you suspect. Today with the moon moving through Pisces, connecting with a multitude of planets before moving into Aries gives you the confidence to trust in those feelings. Instead of thinking that a feeling must always lead to action and then getting intimidated by what that may represent for your life, try to just simply acknowledge your feelings today. You are not always meant to figure everything out at once. It is enough to simply acknowledge your emotions even if you believe they are directing you on a different path. The energy today offers you a chance to get more into your feelings without having a fear that they are going to change your life immediately. This is the universe speaking to you, through you and it is important to listen so that you can live your truth.   RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Sneaky Link Ghosts Them During Venus Conjunct Neptune Starting April 27, 2022

2. Pisces  

(February 19 - March 20)  The past few weeks have really been a divine time for you and that continues today. A lot of this energy is still working to manifest externally in your life but today is a chance to really take a chance on your own self. Right now, there is a strong focus on the creativity that you bring to your career as well as a significant romantic relationship that is coming into existence. But you also must make sure that you are fully believing in yourself. There may be an opportunity to be able to see where this internal inclination to self-doubt would have originated and then to be able to counter it with the truth that you have grown into. With so many possibilities on the table and the universe truly conspiring in your favor you need to make sure that you are not going to be the one to self-sabotage it. Listen to your heart today and reconnect to your intuition. It truly is such an essential part of yourself you must embrace it to truly be able to step into your power in this life. Do not get frustrated if work matters or love are taking longer to come together, everything this entire year will be coming together better than you could have ever dreamed.   RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Luckiest In Love On Wednesday, April 27, 2022

3. Virgo  

(August 23 - September 22)  When you can be in the place to see the truth of yourself and others with love while also embracing your boundaries, you have reached a new level of growth within yourself. All this Pisces energy that has been flooding in has really been trying to show you a valuable lesson in your relationships so that you cannot let what has happened in your past stop you from opening to new love. A big part of this has been forgiveness but there has been a reluctance to let go of what hurt you are currently still feeling. Today serves as a big opportunity for you to feel into this block and to release it for the last time. If you have already started seeing someone new, then today would serve as an opportunity for you to be more vocal about the wounds that you have previously carried. While this can feel intimidating, it will open an entire new level of intimacy and commitment in your relationship. Try to recognize and be aware of the ways that you have operated saying you are open to love but still blocking it, whether you have been just single or even dating someone. There are a lot of possibilities today to really begin to close out this chapter of lessons so that you can really receive what your heart has been dreaming of.   RELATED: The Daily Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On Wednesday, April 27, 2022 Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.