The Moon entering Virgo was the only transit change yesterday. The Moon changing zodiac signs prompted a reflection of feelings and asking whether or not the plans you have been making are coming from a core wound or past healing.  Starting January 11, 2023, the astrological energy amps as we feel the planet of passion, Mars, turn direct tomorrow in the zodiac sign of Gemini.   The Virgo Moon will square off with Mars retrograde in Gemini today, igniting your passion and determination to get things rolling.   As Mars prepares to turn direct tomorrow, it is especially potent today, as if it creates a poignant pause within the universe as you can catch your breath.  RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Want To Be Single During The Moon In Virgo, January 10 - 12, 2023 Mars in Gemini took you on a journey of the soul to help you discover your true motivation and see if you have been honoring yourself with your decisions and choices.  Today could bring some important healing moments as you suddenly start to see things in a different light allowing you to strategize before Mars turns direct tomorrow.   During the day, the Virgo Moon will harmonize with retrograde Mercury in Capricorn and retrograde Uranus in Taurus.   With the Moon interacting with all three retrograde planets today, there is a call to reevaluate whether you have let yourself evolve during this planetary journey.   The Virgo Moon looks at things more logically, even if emotions are still at the center of your focus. With Mars, Mercury, and Uranus all a part of the astrological dance today it is time to make sure that you are allowing yourself to change.   When it comes to making decisions about your life or knowing what step to take next, the most important thing is making sure that you are honoring your own beliefs, needs and desires.  It is the seductive truth that only you know what is right for you.  If you grow, experience life, and even change your decisions should as well.  Whether it is every area of your life or only a select few, part of the process is that your external life will naturally evolve to match your growth.   RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On January 11, 2023 Mars in Gemini brings up themes of whether your soul or ego is making decisions. At the same time, Mercury in Capricorn helps you reflect on the stability of certain agreements, plans and relationships.   Uranus has been working through Taurus, helping to upend the structures of obligation within your life so that you can declare your own personal freedom.   It is time to gather yourself before the energy starts to shift tomorrow.  Mars will be the first to turn direct in Gemini; a week later, Mercury joins it in Capricorn and then about a week later, Uranus will be the third and final planet to turn direct.  This will signal a time when all planets will be direct for the next four months, allowing you to move ahead in all the ways you have desired finally.  Restrictions will be lifted, confusion cleared, and faith restored.     

The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for Wednesday, January 11, 2023 

1. Gemini  

(May 21 - June 20)  Today begins a testing phase from the universe. Since October, you have had to slow down, reflect on your decisions, and figure out how to sit with the discomfort that sometimes exists. Rather than move on to something else or wipe the slate clean and start over again, you have had to figure out how to move through it all and, more importantly, what you were meant to learn during this phase. Mars in Gemini has centered around your own personal beliefs and needs for life, which can feel vulnerable for you to share with others and even authentically live from. Today allows you to see how you feel about your life now versus the end of October. Allow yourself to change your mind, especially if you can still see the value in working through something rather than giving up.   RELATED: How Your Mars Sign Affects Your Deepest Desires, According To Astrology    

2. Taurus  

(April 20 - May 20)  Uranus in your sign has presented a chance for you to find a new level of freedom within your life. Currently retrograde, you have had a chance to process the changes that the first half of 2022 brought to you so that you can start adjusting during the first part of this new year. Uranus has been asking you to question what you really want, where you feel stuck, and what you resist out of fear. Uranus often brings in the unexpected simply because it is what is necessary to shake things up. The Virgo Moon today will allow you to focus on your sense of self-expression about these feelings. Because Virgo energy also reflects within your committed relationship, you may find yourself at a crucial juncture. While acting may feel wrong today, you can still lay the groundwork for creating the life and relationship you seek.   RELATED: 4 Lifestyle Design Tips To Create The Life You Really Want

3. Capricorn  

(December 22 - January 19)  Virgo energy represents the luck that you experience in life. It often opens you up to new ways of doing things, including learning, travel or even a geographic move. Virgo asks you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the possibilities that you are really craving instead of merely trying to keep everything the same out of fear. The Moon in this sign today, Mercury, is retrograde within Capricorn means that you are going to be doing some inner reflection regarding thoughts and feelings that you are having about taking advantage of opportunities within your life. When you are reflecting on things today, try not to feel like you must choose between stability and adventure, you can have both if you remember that you are the only one that truly knows what is right for you.   RELATED: 11 Bad Signs You’re Too Comfortable With Your Partner Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.