Take an opportunity to rest, go out for a hike in nearby woods, or curl up with a lover and watch the stars around a fire. As much as there may be work still to do and everything is not completely figured out, there’s still enough time to enjoy life. Do not get so consumed by the energy that has come up this week that you forget to prioritize doing what feels good. You are in the final days of the romantic embrace between Venus and Mars that have transformed many areas of your life. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Have the Best Love Life During The Moon In Pisces, March 29 - 31, 2022 There are still mountains you must climb, but it does not have to be today.   Learning to let things be and focus on spending time with friends or daydreaming by yourself is just as important a part of the journey as any action is.   The Aries New Moon is in just a few days, which will be a time for moving ahead, having that challenging conversation, and being honest about what you want.  Today, though, allows you to sit back and enjoy life. It may even be the calm before the storm because while change is inevitable, you cannot ever control how another reacts because of your choices.   So, enjoy today, do not focus on tomorrow, and make sure that you are resting for the journey ahead.  

Why the zodiac signs of Pisces, Virgo, and Aries have the best horoscopes on March 30, 2022:

1. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) While the moon is in your sign today, it meets up with Neptune and Jupiter, also in Pisces, creating a blending of energies. The moon rules your internal and emotional self while Neptune and Jupiter shed light on the abundance of your dreams. Together, they create a day for you to relax and enjoy where you are now. There will be changes ahead this year with Jupiter traveling through Pisces, but it is not always about making things happen. Instead, it is simply about creating the space to receive them. Try to plan some time with friends, a lover or even by yourself later in the evening. Especially with those people that you can share your dreams with. This is a gift of yours. No other sign in the zodiac has the power to make their dreams a reality more than you. You receive the greatest downloads and visions when you are in a state of rest or play. This is a magical time for you. Feelings and emotions may be more prominent today, but not overwhelmingly so. It will feel as if you can let this essential part of yourself shine through to help direct those next steps whenever you feel called to take them.   RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Fall For The Wrong Person During The Moon Conjunct Neptune Starting March 30, 2022

2. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22) With so much Pisces energy around today, you will have a focus set on your close personal relationships. These may be romantic ones or just even those people who you consider a part of your inner circle. Pisces always govern this area of your life, so when there is a light placed upon this, it’s time to start reflecting. Neptune and Jupiter are also here to play today, which means that there may be some awareness about how the relationships you have previously chosen to affect the life you lead or even the sense of abundance in your life. Sometimes, it is hard to see the truth with so much Pisces energy. To see things as they are and not as we wish or even fear them to be. Take time today to reflect on how you have been an obstacle to enjoying life and the relationships you create. If there is anyone special in your life, take time today to spend together. It does not have to be doing anything special or consequential, but instead just allowing the creation of a quiet relaxing space so that you can let what needs to come up do so. It is amazing how even sharing our dreams with a partner can help us achieve all we desire.   RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Forgive Their Enemies During The Moon Sextile Uranus, March 29 - 30, 2022

3. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)  There is not a lot of energy at play today, but it is focused on both Pisces and Aries. The sun is just starting its annual renewal in your sign, beginning the new astrological year, but you feel anxious about starting this new path that you see ahead. Before you get consumed with making things happen, allow yourself to take a break today. Your new moon is in just a few days, which means there will be plenty of time to act or have those conversations you have been playing out in your head. Today it is enough to breathe and find peace where you can. Pacing yourself on your journey is sometimes a challenge for you. Once you realize what you want or that a change needs to occur, you often go ahead, wanting to do it now. But there is a lot to be learned to rest along the way. This is especially true if things change in your career or home life moving forward. Take the time to enjoy this space of knowing what is to come while still making the most of what you have while it is here. This also allows you to have more endurance for the road ahead, which, this year, you will need.   RELATED: How The New Moon In Aries Affects Each Zodiac Sign’s Horoscope The Entire Month Of April 2022 Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love.