Today, though, brings in the energy of Mercury retrograde in Taurus, connecting with Pluto in Capricorn.   Normally, these two planets bring harmonizing energy that signals effective communication and interactions with those in our lives. While today it still does, there is another layer to it.   Mercury is the planet that is all about communication. When it is retrograded, though, it means that you will be asked to encounter past agreements, conversations, or even things that you have written so that you can adjust what feels more aligned with who you are now. Pluto is truth. The ruler of transformation will help you burn down everything that is not part of that truth just so you can rise from your own ashes, on your own terms.   It can be a ruthless planet, but it is one that always brings in some magic, too. You do not always know what is meant for you until you encounter it.   As much as the energy shift associated with Mars moving into Aries yesterday reignited that fire within yourself to move ahead at all costs, it does not mean that all the pieces of your puzzle were figured out.   Today brings many of the answers and resolutions you have sought.   RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Crush Gets Revealed During The Sun Sextile Mars This Summer 2022 Whether it is loose ends or not knowing where someone else stands, or even if you are truly ready to move forward, all of that becomes clear thanks to the union of Mercury and Pluto.   Because Mercury is retrograde, it means that whatever has been in your life previously that has felt ambiguous or like an unknown is about to have clarity brought to it and, most importantly, truth.   This will help you see things as they truly are and set you free into the future you have been dreaming of.  

The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Wednesday, May 25, 2022

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)  The Moon in your sign all day will be bringing up some powerful emotions for you. Unlike last week or a few months ago, these feelings do not overpower you. Instead, they inspire you. As Mars is at home and operating at full capacity in its ruling sign of Aries, you feel the same. Instead of overthinking or doubting your feelings, you see them for what they are, a powerful means of knowing which direction to take. The one thing that you must remember and embrace during this time is that there is something that you are meant to act on, but you have not yet felt confident enough to do so. The most recent eclipse brought up issues of intimacy, and how those have come up or been used in your life. RELATED: How The 2022 ‘Intuitive’ Gemini Season Effects Your Zodiac Sign’s Horoscope, May 21 - June 20, 2022 Whether it is in terms of a committed relationship or just how you approach life and what you need. This is a big piece for you because it is an emotional one. You cannot necessarily explain it logically, so you need to get to that space where you trust yourself and how you feel. The Sun in Gemini is helping bring greater understanding. At the same time, Mercury in Taurus allows you to see what and who is true of value to you. This is a time to own your truth Aries and to realize that it was only the fear of others that made you doubt it in the first place.   RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Love More Than One Person During Mercury Sextile Jupiter, May 22 - 28, 2022

2. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22) Pluto is currently in Capricorn, which means it is affecting your life’s romantic sector. In simplest terms, it means that any relationships you have in your life will continue to go through a transformation phase. Pluto is all about truth which represents that it will help reveal the true feelings and intentions of yourself and the person you are in connection with. It is not always easy, fun lessons with Pluto, but they are always beneficial. If it feels like many things have recently gone up in flames within your life, trust that the time to begin rising from the ashes is drawing near. It may not feel transformative just yet, but that is because everything that is not meant to be part of this new chapter is currently being stripped away. Trust the process. The work you have done to learn to be secure within yourself will help you move forward. Today’s energy reveals the truth, whether from within yourself or a past or current romantic partner. It is a truth that you are supposed to hear or even find out on your own, which will help you gain the clarity necessary to start taking those big steps forward so that you do not continue to put energy into something that is not putting reciprocal energy into you.   RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Need To Be Single During Mars In Aries, May 24 - July 3, 2022

3. Libra

(September 23 - October 22) Now that most planets have moved on from the grouping in Pisces to Aries, it means that all that focus is on your romantic life. This is good news, even if you are a little nervous about what it will bring. There has been a lot of movement and changes in this area of your life since last fall, but the universe is not done with it quite yet. You have made some major strides in the past year surrounding self-worth and being an advocate for yourself in terms of what you need from those in your life. Now Aries is about to gift you your blessing after going through so much work. Jupiter had already moved into this sign bringing abundance, but now that Mars has joined here, it is time to really make things happen. While this will impact your relationships, bringing in a new relationship or even a new level to an existing one, it will also target what you love and are passionate about in your life. Be prepared to make big moves. Act boldly. This is the time in your life when you get to follow your own heart and make sure that your needs are being met. The only thing hesitating does is delay the happiness and fulfillment you seek to create. It is important to remain open to what the universe brings you during this time. Still, it is also essential to make sure you take the initiative and step forward to pursue and create everything you feel called to. RELATED: How Mars In Aries Effects Each Zodiac Sign’s Horoscope, May 24 - July 5, 2022 Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.