When it comes to figuring out your life purpose, there are many factors to consider such as house placements, signs, elements, and the North and South Nodes. While it may feel cumbersome to unwind all of these placements piece-by-piece, an easier way to determine your direction, life purpose, and the life lessons you’re here to learn does not require knowledge of all of the above or even the ability to read a chart. Instead, you can look at your chart and divide it into four quadrants. The goal is to determine which quadrant of your chart contains the most planets, which in turn points to the main focus of your life. RELATED: Your Zodiac Sign’s Life Purpose, According To Your North Node

What are the four quadrants in astrology?

There are 12 houses in astrology, each representing a different aspect of our lives. While each house has a separate meaning, when grouped into quadrants, each separate house relates to a broader theme. The first quadrant includes houses 1-3. The second quadrant includes houses 4-6, and the third quadrant includes houses 7-9. The 4th quadrant is composed of houses 10-12.  Photo: Hibrida via Shutterstock / Chetra KH 168 via Canva As evolutionary and intuitive astrologer Taryn Bond explains on TikTok, quadrants astrology can give you insight into “the greatest challenges of your life.” The quadrants in astrology reveal the challenges you’re meant to overcome in this lifetime. “Look at your chart and see where you have the most planets,” Bond explains. Whichever section of the chart has the majority of planets will be the focus of both your challenges and accomplishments in the world. RELATED: What Empty Houses In Your Birth Chart Mean In Astrology    

The first quadrant: self-discovery

If you have a majority of planets in the first quadrant, it means that this life is all about yourself. This does not mean you are a self-centered individual. It is possible that you have spent past lives being focused on others, leading to challenges in this life that affect the physical body, appearance, self-worth and possessions. Your direct environment will be very significant in your life. This quadrant is the subjective and personal portion of the chart and a preponderance of planets here tends to make the individual more subjective and private.

The second quadrant: family

If there are more planets in the second quadrant of the chart a greater importance is placed on familial relationships and others that were not consciously chosen, such as parents, immediate family, and siblings. This is also the quadrant of the chart that rules your own children and co-workers and all people in the immediate environment as well as how you relate to them and them to you.  These individuals are typically oriented toward others and in this sense, their life often seems to be formed and in some respects dictated by others.

The third quadrant: relationships

The third quadrant of the chart deals with your interaction with others that you seek out in life and the consequences of your interactions with them. Life lessons in this case come through long-term partnerships, marriage, romantic relationships, contractual relationships, and partnerships along with work partnerships and coworkers. This quadrant also deals with people you share money and finances with, higher education and the people you meet in this realm, long-distance and foreign relationships, and the results of these relationships and their impact upon you for better or worse.

The fourth quadrant: self-transcendence

The 4th or the last quadrant of the chart deals with self-transcendence. While this section of the chart deals with you, it also deals with the results of your interactions in the world and the impact of what you accomplish. This would include your career and public persona and any legacy you may leave in the world. The focus will be on the things you create personally and give back to the world, along with the results. This is also the section of the chart that rules your own awareness outside of the ego that can be acquired through meditation, drugs, dreams, and other metaphysical or spiritual pursuits. People with a preponderance of planets in the third and fourth quadrants tend to be more social and objective and have a greater concern with outside events. RELATED: The Influential Force Secretly Guiding You Right Now, Based On The 7-Year Zodiac Life Cycle

Is it fate or free will?

While the quadrants of the chart show us which areas of life we will be focused on, some believe they are in charge of their own life and others feel they are following a path that is ‘destined.” There is a quick way to determine whether or not you will live your life feeling you are in charge of your own destiny or if your life is pre-determined.If you draw a line exactly through the middle of the chart—the tenth house/ midheaven to the IC, fourth house—exactly down the middle, you will either have a predominance of planets on the left side or the right side.If you have more planets on the left half of the chart (or quadrants 1 and 2), you generally feel that your ‘fate’ is in the hands of others. This may be in part because these quadrants are more other-oriented so we become used to taking into greater consideration the wishes and desires of others as opposed to operating independently. If you have more planets on the right or Western side, or houses 7-12, you may generally feel that you are in control of your own destiny because the focus is more toward the world and what we leave to the world as well as people that we personally choose to associate with as opposed to the family or tribes we are born into.  This simple technique often colors our opinions about fate, or our ability to control our own life. Sometimes the planets are fairly evenly divided and if this is the case you will feel as though your life is partly a result of your own efforts and partly fated. While Modern astrology typically leans toward the psychology of the individual and how our own personal thoughts and actions dictate the results of our life, Traditional astrology often takes a more fated approach. RELATED: The Best & Worst Placements For Each Planet In The Birth Chart Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide by phone, WhatsApp, or Zoom.

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