This week brings the last retrograde of the year along with the powerful healing energy of Chiron to help you find a new sense of balance. Chiron is the asteroid known as the wounded healer. In Aries and just recently having turned direct, it centers around the healing that you have had to focus on within your own self which will then benefit your romantic relationship as well. Chiron reminds you that while others can love you, they cannot heal you. This asteroid meets up with the North Node in Taurus signifying that ever-present theme that once you heal, you are truly able to move into your fate. Your fate is always around you but until you do learn your karmic lessons and the hurt parts of yourself that are making decisions have healed, you will never actually truly be able to choose it. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Love Horoscope For December 26, 2022 - January 1, 2023 This week is that turning point bringing in greater healing, constructive communication, and greater balance to yourself and your romantic relationship.

The four zodiac signs whose relationships improve for the week of December 26, 2022 – January 1, 2023:

1. Libra

(September 23 - October 22) An incredible week is opening for you as the planetary activity within Aries, Taurus, and Capricorn are all leading to positive developments within the heart of your life. Aries is your polarizing sign representing your romantic sector while Taurus roles intimacy and transformation. This week as The North Node in Taurus moves into alignment with Chiron in Aries it is going to bring some major healing that unlocks some fated event or decision. The North Node in astrology represents the fate that you are moving into. However, your fate is only revealed once major lessons, usually karmic in nature, have been learned. This is where Chiron, the wounded healer comes in as this asteroid helps you to do the inner work and reflection to help heal the hurt parts of yourself that have kept you within cycles of trauma or lack. Now as Chiron and the North Node move into position together, something will finally click into place and allow you to step towards what is meant for you rather than away. The First Quarter Moon in Aries later in the week is about decisions and actions toward whatever intention you set during the Capricorn New Moon last week, so the energy here is intensified. Adding to this catalyst of a week, Mercury is set to turn retrograde in Capricorn, activating your home and family life. There may be some big conversations and changes this week, but it is all about creating greater space for love. RELATED: Why Fate Is The Explanation And Excuse For Everything

2. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) How you speak matters as much as what you say, sometimes even more. Communication will be a central focus for you through the middle of January as Mercury in Capricorn officially turns retrograde this week activating your own sector of communication. Mercury governs how you think and what you end up communicating with others. Having this planet retrograde within your own sector that governs this theme means that some substantial changes are coming to this area of your life. Luckily though, it will all be positive. Think of it like a redo; it is a chance to reflect on or improve communication within your relationship which ends up creating a stronger connection, especially thanks to the energy of Aries. This week Chiron in Aries activates the North Node in Taurus giving you the combining forces of healing and love. To truly be able to do better, you and your partner need to be able to heal what is preventing you from having a healthy stable connection. Chiron is the wounded healer while the North Node represents fate. In your own life, Aries energy rules over health and healing while Taurus dominates your romantic sector. This truly is the meeting of the best possible themes to create a healthier and better outcome within your romantic relationships. As the First Quarter Moon in Aries occurs towards the end of the week it is a wonderful time to make a conscious choice to show up in a healthier way for yourself and your romantic partner. RELATED: If You Notice These 5 Habits In Your Relationship, Your Communication Skills Need Serious Work

3. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22) Capricorn is your polarizing zodiac sign which means that whenever there is a planetary activity within this sign you tend to see activity within your romantic life. Currently, the Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all in this sector of your life bringing action, communication, and divine moments of connection. This week, Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde in Capricorn. Retrogrades are often seen as challenging; however, it is an opportunity to do better. Use this time to reflect on how you could have made different decisions to be able to create more space for your partner and you to grow. Chiron, the wounded healer, in Aries joins with the North Node in Taurus activating themes of career and social circles adding a different element of energy into the mix. It may be that on this new journey you have been on to care for yourself and embrace more of your own truth than you have chosen to put more energy into work or your friends. This is not a bad choice; however, it involved your own pendulum of balance shifting from one extreme to another. Allow yourself to find a new sense of balance within your life this week; something that both fulfills your own needs but also honors the space that you want to create for love. The Aries First Quarter Moon this week also represents a decision and while it is activating your career sector it may involve the time spent there versus the time spent at home. Whatever decision you make must be intentional, that it is coming from healing rather than wounding. RELATED: Two Sneaky Lies People Tell Without Even Realizing It

4. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18) In the week ahead themes of the unconscious, communication, and home will all be areas of focus for you. Capricorn energy rules your subconscious self. This is everything that you may not always be an area of or even speak on, but it is important to talk about for greater perspective and expression of truth. As Mercury is set to turn retrograde here this week, you will be given an opportunity to start thinking about things that are important for you to think about and even discuss within your relationship. This is enhanced by having your communication sector activated by Chiron and the First Quarter Moon in Aries which governs this aspect of your chart. Not only does it favor some healing conversations, but it also denotes a decision that will end up bringing about some significant changes within your home and family as the North Node will be residing here alongside Chiron. Use the energy this week to your advantage so that you can fully allow yourself to step into new chapters with the awareness of seeing everything as it really is. You may be wrestling with how to hang on to your freedom while also going deeper into commitment within your relationship. Remember that the healthiest relationship will never allow you to lose yourself and in fact will help you to become more of your authentic self. RELATED: 9 Ways To Access Your Dark Side & Heal Parts Of Yourself You Didn’t Know Were Hurting Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.