But often what you think you should to do is what you need to stop doing if you want your relationship to last and stand the test of time.  RELATED: 16 Things Couples That Actually Stay Together For Life Do Differently

The six things you should stop doing if you want your relationship to last:

1. Quit thinking it WON’T last

Going into a relationship thinking it’s doomed means only one thing — it is. Every time things aren’t perfect you’ll feel validated. “See? I knew it. We didn’t have a chance.” If you honestly believe relationships will never stand the test of time then the reality is you will sabotage each one to ensure that you are right.  You will test each partner to see how much of your bad behavior they can tolerate before finally leaving you as you yell, “I knew you’d never stay” to a slamming door. If this is you — don’t date until you’ve figured this out. RELATED: 3 Psychological Games Men Play To Test The Women They Love

2. Stop playing games

You’re mad. Or sad. Or hurt. Your partner asks, “What’s wrong?” And you say, “nothing.” Or yell about something else entirely later that evening. Stupid, childish, relationship-killing games. Eventually, people keep score. Get even. Withdraw affection. Stop trying to even find an answer. Instead? Talk to each other! Explain. Listen. Find a solution. Take hurt and anger out of the equation because they are two of the most manipulative, reactive, and dangerous emotions to use while trying to communicate respectfully. RELATED: 3 Mind Games The Most Insecure Men Play In Relationships

3. Quit thinking love is enough

In the long run, couples who make it through the good and bad still caring for each other have more going for them than just love. They truly LIKE their partner too. Liking can get you through a lot. Love is about attraction. Commitment. Attachment. But liking is about the joy. Respect. Fun. And contentment. If you can look at your partner and say you genuinely LIKE them. Want to be with them. Can talk to them. Can be FRIENDS with them — then you’ve got something to hold on to. RELATED: 10 Signs You’re Not In Love With Your Partner — You Just Wish You Were    

4. Stop being jealous 

If they truly can’t be trusted, then why would you date them in the first place? And if they are trustworthy but you have a problem because of past betrayals, then get your own act together before you demolish someone else’s self-esteem with your insecurities and baggage.  The flip side? If you find yourself in a relationship where the other person is jealous and you are doing nothing to warrant it? Walk away fast. Jealousy is NOT a sign of love. It’s possessive and demeaning. Long lasting relationships are anchored in trust. RELATED: 9 Ways I Trained My Brain To Not Feel Jealousy Ever Again

5. Stop settling for less than you deserve

Relationships are based on equal balances of power. Meaning each brings some strengths to the table that the other one doesn’t have. When you accept someone who doesn’t meet (or even come close) to what you want — you’re settling. And settling never made anyone happy long term. Successful couples last because they both respect the value and worth of the other.     RELATED: If He Does These 24 Things, Congrats! You Found Your Soulmate

6. Quit thinking you need someone else in order to be happy

Go about your life. Stop waiting. Make friends. Be outstanding at work. Travel. Get in shape. Eat healthy. Be happy. The kind of person you are looking for doesn’t want an unhappy, miserable, lonely or desperate partner. The more you take care of yourself and become self-fulfilled the more people will want to be with you. Love you. Stay with you. It’s time to stop some behaviors that create dysfunctional partnerships and start attracting people who love you and want to be with you for all the right reasons. RELATED: People In The Happiest Relationships Ask Each Other These 3 Questions Every Single Day Connie Podesta is a therapist, expert in the psychology of human behavior, hall of fame keynote speaker, award winning author, and comedienne.