There are 12 zodiac signs, each representing a few weeks out of the year:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)Taurus (April 20 – May 20)Gemini (May 21 – June 20)Cancer (June 21 – July 22)Leo (July 23 – August 22)Virgo (August 23 – September 22)Libra (September 23 – October 22)Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

According to astrology, those born under the same zodiac Sun sign share similar traits. For example, some zodiac signs like Aries, are described as having a strong personality. If you’ve ever met a person who identified with the sign of the Ram, you’ll find out they proudly claim it to be true. There are also fixed zodiac signs that are considered to be particularly stubborn, like a Taurus. Then, there are sensitive zodiac signs, who tend to change and adapt well to the mood of others. Coincidentally, signs described as being intuitive, like Pisces, exhibit these same personality traits. Not surprisingly, Pisces is a mutable sign, which in astrology means ’likely to change’. You might have realized that the people you have found most attractive all share the same zodiac sign or zodiac element. There could have been a stage in time when all your friends were a certain sign, and when you didn’t get along with someone, they coincidentally were a sign that you are told is incompatible with yours. Over time, when you meet someone with these personality traits, and start to wonder that maybe there’s a bit of truth to what astrologers say. You might even start to wonder what zodiac sign someone is after meeting them when you notice things about their personality. If you’re someone who is intrigued by astrology or simply wants to see if your personality matches up with the associated traits of your zodiac sign, continue reading to see the best and worst personality traits of each zodiac sign.

Best and worst zodiac sign traits

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Photo: katerina.sosna’s images via Canva Best Aries zodiac sign traits:


As an Aries, you enjoy the rush of taking risks. You love to be spontaneous. You put a lot of effort into pursuing what you love, which is why when other signs think of fire, you’re at the top of the list. The Ram is the most passionate zodiac sign of them all. Aries are extremists. They are either always first to show up (to everything!) since lateness is a huge pet peeve of theirs, or late because they didn’t want to show up in the first place. No matter what time they arrive, an Aries is always amazing. Their friends know they are reliable and dependable. When you need them they’ll be there no matter what. It’s hard to get an Aries down about anything — they always try to look at the bright side of life and insist on seeing the positive in any situation. And above all, you’re self-motivated. When there’s a goal in mind, you’ll stop at nothing to achieve your dreams — no matter what gets in your way. Worst Aries zodiac sign traits:


Being able to understand other people’s emotions is very important, especially if you want to have long-lasting friendships. Because of your stubborn personality, this is something you may find yourself struggling with. Don’t just assume you know everything, because even the most intelligent people on Earth are wrong sometimes. Another thing stubborn people struggle with is being patient. It’s okay to be determined, but real dedication is not expecting immediate results. If you’re working towards something long-term, don’t give up just because you’re not seeing immediate changes. RELATED: 10 Best & Worst Personality Traits & Characteristics Of The Aries Zodiac Sign

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Photo: katerina.sosna’s images via Canva Best Taurus zodiac sign traits:


Being a Taurus, you are a practical thinker and base your decisions on facts and realistic beliefs. In the workplace, your co-workers know they can depend on you. You get excited about taking on new leadership roles. You love being around people and when it comes to teamwork, you know how to encourage others. Your friends love that you’re so down-to-earth, and when it comes to throwing a party, you’re the one telling jokes and showing the world a good time. Worst Taurus zodiac sign traits:


Even though you have high expectations for yourself and value your family, some people may mistake you for being too materialistic and even a little condescending. When it comes to achieving your personal goals, you sometimes lack the proper motivation and it can be hard for you to remain dedicated. And finally, jealousy and resentment can sometimes be an issue in your relationships. Personal space is important to everyone, so make sure you can respect your partner’s alone time. RELATED: The Negative Personality Traits Of The Taurus Zodiac Sign, According To Astrology Best Gemini zodiac sign traits:


No matter how complicated, you tend to come up with solutions by thinking outside the box and being creative. You’re a quick learner, and able to adapt to change at any given time. Your sense of humor makes it hard for people to get bored in your company, and your friends love that you show an interest in a variety of different things. You love to be affectionate in your relationship and prefer to be with someone who expresses their emotions as often as you do. Worst Gemini zodiac sign traits:


Making big decisions makes you anxious, and you’ll often find yourself thinking with two minds trying to make the right choice. You don’t have much of a success rate when it comes to achieving long-term goals — you tend to get bored very easily and find that you can’t stay dedicated to one thing for too long.   RELATED: The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Gemini Zodiac Sign Best Cancer zodiac sign traits:


You have the most friends out of all the other zodiac signs. You genuinely love to help others, and will often not expect anything in return. Your friends know that they can come to you for advice because of the way you’re able to understand and relate to others’ emotions. You possess creative thinking skills that you use to escape from conflict, and that’s how you’re able to remain calm and collected when it comes to complicated situations. Worst Cancer zodiac sign traits:


You have a big fear of failure, and you’re more than willing to give up everything if you feel like failure is your only other choice. You tend to become attached too early in relationships, and this can make it difficult for you to move on and accept change. Overthinking can sometimes get the best of you, so learning how to not be so critical of yourself is how you’ll be able to make decisions more confidently. RELATED: The Best And Worst Cancer Personality Traits

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Photo: katerina.sosna’s images via Canva Best Leo zodiac sign traits:

HonestGreat leaderOptimistic

You’re a natural-born leader. You care about the feelings of others, and you love to make your loved ones happy. You prefer to be upfront with people from the start, and this is how people know they can count on you to be honest with them. You have a very optimistic approach on life, and you’re always looking for a good time. Worst Leo zodiac sign traits:


Having control is very important to you. This can sometimes make others view you as someone who’s headstrong and uncompromising. Patience is also something that you struggle with maintaining, and it’s because you expect to have what you want when you want it. RELATED: The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Leo Zodiac Sign

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Photo: katerina.sosna’s images via Canva Best Virgo zodiac sign traits:


You’re the type of person that values and enjoys learning, no matter the subject. You possess very strong organizational skills that allow you to differentiate between fantasy and reality. You’re very practical in your ways of thinking, and having an analytical approach is what makes you great at problem-solving and dealing with conflict. Worst Virgo zodiac sign traits:


Staying true to your values is always important, but sometimes you struggle with being open-minded to new ideas. This leads others to believe that you’re overly critical and judgemental. Your comfort zone falls within conservative boundaries, so you often turn away from modern ways of thinking. Sometimes it’s easy for you to become lost in your own little world, which makes you appear as shy and sometimes unfriendly. RELATED: 20 Best & Worst Virgo Personality Traits Best Libra zodiac sign traits:


You’re all about being fair and just. You love to keep peace within your friend group, which is what keeps you so open-minded and considerate of everyone’s point of view. You love spending quality time with family and friends, and your charm is the first thing people notice about you. Worst Libra zodiac sign traits:


Sometimes you just don’t know what it is you want. When it comes to dating, you often forget that real beauty is on the inside and tend to focus on other people’s physical appearances. People who know you well might consider you to be unreliable because of how often you change your mind on a regular basis. This also makes it hard for you to make decisions. RELATED: The 10 Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Libra Zodiac Sign Best Scorpio zodiac sign traits:


Living life to the fullest is what you’re best at, and you try to make the most of every moment. You’re very passionate about the things you enjoy, and you’re fearless when it comes to expressing your emotions. You’re faithful to the people you love, which is why you have so many friends. People also love that you’re calm and not easily angered. Worst Scorpio zodiac sign traits:

Emotionally distantJealousControlling

You tend to be a very private person. It’s hard for you to open up to others, and it might be because you’re afraid of other’s critiquing you when you already spend so much time critiquing yourself. Having control is very important to you, and sometimes this leads you to become possessive and jealous. RELATED: The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Scorpio Zodiac Sign Best Sagittarius zodiac sign traits:

JustSense of humorCurious

Your big heart and ability to differentiate right from wrong are what makes it easy for you to gain the trust of others. You’re the type of person that tries to find humor in even the most stressful situations, and this is why people look to you for positivity and optimism. You love to ask questions, and are curious about the world around you. Worst Sagittarius zodiac sign traits:


It’s great to have confidence, but don’t get too carried away. Some people view you as being overconfident, and this can make it hard for others to enjoy your company. You also tend to take the things you love for granted, which may cause others to think of you as someone who’s unappreciative. RELATED: 20 Best & Worst Traits Of The Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Photo: katerina.sosna’s images via Canva Best Capricorn zodiac sign traits:


As someone who matures very easily, you understand the importance of being patient and know how to not be impulsive. You love your family and would do anything for your loved ones. Your friends would describe you as someone who’s very wise and knowledgeable, and this is how they know they can come to you when there’s conflict. Worst Capricorn zodiac sign traits:


Often, you will find yourself expecting the worst in every situation that has the potential of a negative outcome. You’re very particular about your company and the people you hang out with; this may make it difficult for you to get along with strangers or co-workers. People close to you might say you’re unforgiving at times, and this is because you’re not always open to other ways of thinking. RELATED: The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Photo: katerina.sosna’s images via Canva Best Aquarius zodiac sign traits:


You have a very progressive outlook on life. You’re someone who favors change and new ways of thinking, and you enjoy fighting for a good cause. Your excellent social skills are what gets you so many friends, and you love having deep conversations with people. Your coworkers would describe you as friendly and always willing to help others. Worst Aquarius zodiac sign traits:


Sometimes you can be a little extreme. It’s either 0 or 100% with you, which makes it hard for you to be okay with finding a middle ground. You tend to keep to yourself a lot, which may make you appear as cool and distant to those around you. Those close to you might say you’re unpredictable, since you have a hard time opening up. RELATED: The 10 Best And Worst Personality Traits Of Aquarius + Their Perfect Love Match

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Photo: katerina.sosna’s images via Canva Best Pisces zodiac sign traits:


Your creativity and imagination is very inspiring to others. Your friends would describe you as artistic and musical, and also someone who relies on their intuition. You’re always willing to help others. Your loyalty and honesty is what makes you a true friend. Worst Pisces zodiac sign traita:

SensitivePessimisticEscapistYou tend to get your feelings hurt more easily than others, and this is because you can be overly sensitive at times.

When things take a turn for the worst, it’s hard for you to remain positive and you’ll often try to find ways to escape from reality instead of facing the truth. RELATED: The Best & Worst Pisces Personality Traits Hannah Kern is an avid writer with a passion for delving deep into interpersonal relationships.

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