But that doesn’t mean we human beings are perfect — not by a long shot. Sometimes, in spite of everything our amazing minds can do, we’re presented with too much information for our senses, such as our sense of sight, to fully digest and comprehend. While it can be frustrating to have any one of our senses overpowered by an abundance of information, the way our minds react under such circumstances can reveal certain personality traits and aspects of who we are that we might otherwise never be able to access. RELATED: The Image You See First In This Visual Personality Test Reveals Your Deepest Personal Strengths Personality tests exist for just this reason: to show us more about ourselves and the way we are in relationships.​ While it might seem like a stretch to think that what you see when you look at an optical illusion is a glimpse into hidden aspects of your personality, it actually makes a great deal of sense. When the mind is unable to find a definitive answer to a question, it chooses what it wants to see, and it is in this act of choosing that certain definitive things about our perspectives and our unique attributes are revealed. This personality test, in particular, will determine how you behave and express yourself when you are in love. RELATED: What You Notice First In This Visual Personality Test Reveals Your Greatest Weakness In Relationships

Without overthinking it, take a look at the optical illusion personality test below and pay attention to the image your eyes communicate to your brain first to find out what you’re like in love.

Be prepared for truths you may not have been expecting.

If you saw…

1. The face of a man in profile

If you looked at this picture and saw an abstract image of an old man’s face, don’t worry, it doesn’t mean you’re destined to wind up with an old man! What it does mean is that you are the type of person who never loses sight of the “big picture,” particularly when it comes to love and dating. On the surface, you might seem like the kind who longs to be swept off your feet, and while you might appreciate the sentiment of romantic gestures, the truth is that you are far more likely to be wooed successfully by someone who’s willing to put in the time, effort, energy, and hard work that real love requires, just as you are willing to do for them. It doesn’t matter how old you are. You know that there’s more to love than flowers and sonnets. Real love is about building a life together, and that’s what you are looking for when it comes to a long-term, fulfilling romantic relationship. RELATED: The Image You See First In This Personality Test Reveals What’s Secretly Important To You In Relationships

2. A man riding a horse

If you looked at this optical illusion and saw an image of a man riding a horse, I’m sorry to break it to you, but this doesn’t mean that you are destined to fall in love with a cowboy. It does mean, however, that when it comes to love and romance, your heart can be a tough one to tame, even when you believe you’ve finally found the person of your dreams. I’m not saying that you are secretly a cheater, but you are a person whose heart and soul both thrive when you receive the attention of a courtly nature on a near-constant basis. Had you been born in the era of King Arthur and Guinevere you would have fit right in, swooning at the notion of a man fighting duels for your honor. Talk about real and lasting (if dangerous and sometimes fatal) love! You have a natural tendency to continue looking over your partner’s shoulder, just in case the real person of your dreams suddenly appears. Do not risk letting a good one get away, as it could very well turn out that is who’s been right there in front of you waiting to be noticed this entire time! RELATED: 6 Sweet Signs You’re Already In The Right Relationship

3. A girl lying down by a river

If you looked at this optical illusion personality test and saw the image of the girl lying down by the river, this doesn’t mean that you’re lying down and giving up on love in the least! It does means that you’ve been hurt badly in the past by prior experiences of love, and that, while you have a great propensity for giving your heart away, you’re growing increasingly skittish and wary as time moves on. Every single person who ever tries to find a romantic partner will experience a certain amount of rejection and heartbreak over the course of their life, but this doesn’t mean that they — i.e., you — won’t find love when you’re meant to. The real trouble here is that you have a particularly hard time convincing yourself that there’s any point in continuing to look for the love that will last. You should never give up on this hunt. While you are the kind of person who feels heartache deeply, you’re also the kind of person who loves intensely. It is a gift to be loved by you, and that’s something you should never forget. Don’t give up until you find someone who understands exactly how lucky they are to have found you, too. RELATED: The Animal You See First In This Visual Personality Test Reveals Your Specific Love Language

4. A stone archway over the river

If you looked at this picture and saw the image of a stone walkway overlooking a roaring river, don’t panic that what you saw first didn’t feature any people in it at all. This doesn’t mean you’re cut off from your fellow man, it simply means you have a wild and dreaming heart that is difficult to tame. You love the idea of falling in love. You may, perhaps, even have managed to do it a few times. But in the end, it feels like no one else’s heart craves a partner in exploration and adventure quite the way that you do. While you are absolutely a unique and wild spirit, that doesn’t mean you should either expect or desire to go through this life all on your own. As you journey through life, seeing the sights and having one epic adventure after another, keep your eyes open for someone who’s out there enjoying this wacky ride called life just as much as you are. Giving your heart to someone doesn’t mean you lose it. It means you get to experience twice as many more wonderful things than you ever dared dream could be possible! RELATED: The Image You See First In This Personality Test Reveals What You Secretly Crave In Love Rebecca Jane Stokes is a writer and editor in Brooklyn, New York who writes about relationships, pop culture, psychology, and news for Newsweek, Psych Central, Bustle, and more.

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