Retrograde planets mean that they appear to move backward in the sky right now as they begin their own new cycle. During this time, even if they are not actually moving in this foreign direction, it does mean that you will be asked to slow down and reflect as well. RELATED: The 4 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships During The Month Of September 2022 Retrogrades are an auspicious time, even if they are not always seen that way because they allow you to ensure you do not miss a crucial opportunity, a deep feeling or even a new perspective. During this intense season of six retrograde planets, which will last through the beginning of October, it is important to use it to take care of loose ends or matters you need to bring closure to. This is also one of the purposes of this phase and a crucial one for moving ahead or seizing those lucky moments. When you give yourself time to reflect and slow down, you also give yourself the ability to go deeper into your own process. RELATED: The 4 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationship Improve During The Month Of September 2022 By doing this, you will make sure that you are acting from a place of truth rather than just one of routine. You will make sure you are not trying to skip ten places, and pass goes to avoid the work and just receive the joy. The universe operates on its own moral compass of integrity, honesty, and commitment to what you are most passionate about. This week, the luck arrives when you can pause long enough to see what you would have otherwise missed because it is not always the moments that lay ahead which can change our lives. Still, the redo’s on what has happened in the past can. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With Great Weekly Horoscopes Starting September 12 - 18, 2022

The luckiest day of the week for each zodiac sign, September 12 - 18, 2022:


(March 21 - April 19) Luckiest day of the week: Monday, September 12th The Moon is in Aries all day, making you return to yourself. Even though this is not the most comfortable sign of Aries, it will help turn the notch up on your self-love, which makes all the difference in the decisions and choices that you are making. The more you can provide your own validation, the less you need to get it from others, which makes a significant difference to the direction you take your life. Embrace your own authenticness today and see that who you truly are is not something to work against but to fully embrace. RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Always Keep Their Promises, Ranked From Most To Least Likely


(April 20 - May 20) Luckiest day of the week: Saturday, September 17th Saturn in Aquarius has been bringing tremendous changes and developments to your career zone for the past few years while navigating this zodiac sign. More than likely, this may not even have been an area that you have been focusing on because Uranus in Taurus has been upending your life and changing it dramatically. Saturn and Uranus come together this week in retrograde to give you some new exciting perspectives and opportunities. While in retrograde, you are getting the chance to reflect on how your career aligns with the life you are now creating, thanks to Uranus. This is the time to write that five-year plan and make sure that at the center of it is what feels most fulfilling for you. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Make The Best Friends


(May 21 - June 20) Luckiest day of the week: Saturday, September 17th Today, the Last Quarter Moon falls in your zodiac sign bringing you the clarity you have been seeking. This allows you to embrace your own truth and no longer question your deepest feelings. The Last Quarter Moons represent a time of completion and ending. They allow you to make dramatic decisions about what is working and what is not so that you can start progressing forward. This new chapter for you is about making sure that your external life is in alignment with your internal one. RELATED: What Is The Rarest Zodiac Sign?


(June 21 - July 22) Luckiest day of the week: Saturday, September 17th Venus in Virgo aligns with Mars in Gemini, giving you a chance to open up and have some important conversations about what you feel connected to. This is part of that new wave of truth that you have been living within, which will allow you to be in the space to dictate how you live your life instead of only succumbing to the wants of others. Venus in Virgo lights up your communication arena. At the same time, Mars in Gemini brings passion and determination to live a life based on your own internal beliefs and desires. This is the fuel you have been seeking to truly make the changes you have been dreaming of. RELATED: 6 Smartest Zodiac Signs That Are Extremely Intelligent Geniuses


(July 23 - August 22) Luckiest day of the week: Saturday, September 17th The Last Quarter Moon in Gemini brings serious reflection and choices to the people you surround yourself with. Because a career has been such a central focus for you in recent months and even considering moving, you may find that you feel better supported in not just a new area but surrounded by different people. Gemini energy lights up your social scene and the people you choose to have in your life. Under the Last Quarter Moon, you will be ready to make decisions that align with who you are now, opening up many other opportunities. RELATED: Which Zodiac Signs Have Psychic Powers, Ranked From Most To Least Mystical


(August 23 - September 22) Luckiest day of the week: Friday, September 16th In the last full week of Virgo Season, you get a gift from the alignment of the Virgo Sun with Neptune in Pisces. Neptune is the planet that represents unconditional love and dreams. At home, in the sign of Pisces, this altruistic energy is magnified. For you this week, Virgo, the luck you will receive is finally feeling like you are getting over something that has recently taken up a lot of head space. Whether in your personal or professional life, this is the week the tides officially begin to turn in a more positive direction. RELATED: What The Time You Wake Up In The Middle Of The Night Says About Your Emotional State


(September 23 - October 22) Luckiest day of the week: Friday, September 16th Venus in Virgo and Mars in Gemini aligning this week brings you an opportunity to learn something related to what you are passionate about. This is a week for expanding what you are learning to ensure that you are included in what is meaningful for you. Virgo energy will illuminate the area of your life that rules the unconscious, so make sure that you do not dismiss your little ideas. What you feel called to learn or even understand in a greater depth will be meaningful for you. You owe it to yourself to see what happens when you follow your calling rather than your obligations. RELATED: Your Zodiac Sign’s Power Color, According To Astrology


(October 23 - November 21) Luckiest day of the week: Friday, September 16th Mars in Gemini activates your energy around connections and who you allow close to you. With Venus in Virgo drawing attention to your social circles, it is time to reflect on this week and also allow yourself to open up. As much as you are a water sign with epic emotions, you can open up enough to let people see the real you can be challenging. Your ruling planet is Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, so you always keep a certain amount to yourself. This week shows you that attracting what you want is found in your ability to be your true self and not hold anything back, especially the parts that make you so unique. RELATED: How The Universe Lets You Know You’re On The Right Track (Finally!)


(November 22 - December 21) Luckiest day of the week: Sunday, September 18th This week brings together two areas of your life that began to be your focus earlier in the year; health and career. When it comes to health, it is not just in how you treat your body but in your mind. Right now, you are in the prime position to own your power over your body and your life. But it begins with you. The universe is giving you this chance to reflect on what it means to have a healthy work-life balance and to make sure that you create a life that truly aligns with who you are and what you need. With six planets retrograde, it is time to reflect, but once you do, do not let anything stop you from making the changes you seek. RELATED: 10 Subtle Signs From The Universe That You’ve Finally Met ‘The One’


(December 22 - January 19) Luckiest day of the week: Sunday, September 18th Pluto, in your sign forever on the quest for truth, aligns with the Virgo Sun today. The Virgo Sun is meticulous in details, which you honor and even strive to be in your own life. While Pluto has been moving through your zodiac sign of Capricorn, it has transformed many areas of your life to reflect and show you the truth. This week, something comes to light that is incredibly important and changes your path moving ahead of you. Take it as one more beautiful lesson and opportunity from the universe. RELATED: How To Use The 369 Manifestation Method


(January 20 - February 18) Luckiest day of the week: Saturday, September 17th The Last Quarter Moon in Gemini occurs today, bringing many of your recent reflections to a closing point. Gemini represents how you express yourself, which even ties in to owning who you are and making sure you let that authentic light shine bright. This energy is something you have been working with for the past few years as you begin to understand what defines you so that you can be sure you do not ever lose it again. Now is the time for celebration, though, as you have firmly established what this means for you. There is no fear of losing yourself ever again. All you need to do now is simply own it. RELATED: The Healthiest Choices Your Zodiac Sign Should Make, According To Astrology


(February 19 - March 20) Luckiest day of the week: Friday, September 16th The Virgo Sun aligns with Neptune in Pisces today, bringing you some good news. Virgo is your opposing zodiac sign and not only represents people that you love but also a life that you are passionate about as well. Today is your chance to step into that newest version of your life with high hopes and possibilities to match. This can represent an opportunity or offer which helps you have more time to explore what matters most to you or is just more aligned with the kind of life you genuinely want to live. RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Deals With The Hardest Moments Of Their Life Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.