It’s a straight-up fact, like how the sun rises in the east, cats are sociopaths, and we will all eventually turn into our mothers, so too do men love to watch women masturbate. But here’s a question for you: Why? When in the throes of a sexy passion, men traditionally are thought to have but one thing on their minds: Their penis. But, as shocking as it may be to consider, not every man wants to immediately leap into your vagina. RELATED: 5 Ways Men Can Help Women Achieve A Super Orgasm (And Close The Orgasm Gap For Good) They love to watch women touch themselves, but the reasons they love to watch women masturbating are more complex than you might think. Here are a few that might surprise you.

1. Watching women masturbating is educational.

Men watch women masturbating for all kinds of reason, and most of them to do with their penis. But there is an educational factor at play. If your man watches you masturbate, he can learn new and awesome ways of touching your body. Most men care about your pleasure. Your sex life might already be awesome, but there are little things you do when you’re masturbating alone to push you over the edge into orgasm city (USA, population OMG) that he might learn from watching you and work into your sex life.

2. Women masturbating is generally considered taboo.

Let’s face it, we all get turned on by stuff that’s a little bit, well… naughty. Masturbation is something that we’re supposed to hide. It’s not something people are “supposed” to talk about, especially women. So upping the ante and inviting your man to watch you masturbate is the ultimate in naughty fantasy. Not only are you are doing something taboo, you’re inviting him to take part when you ask him to watch. RELATED: How To Masturbate In A Bathtub For The Best Wet Orgasms Ever

3. Women’s masturbation is sex-positive.

Men watch women masturbating as an affirmation that women are sexual beings, with desires just like any man. In a way, when a man says he wants to watch you masturbate, it’s the most sex-positive thing he can do. Rather than turning off the lights and getting down and dirty together, he’s watching you explore your own desires in the most intimate way. It doesn’t get more sex affirming than that.

4. Women masturbating is a serious visual turn-on.

Men are aural and visual creatures. That makes watching women masturbate the ultimate in foreplay. Think about it! What’s better than porn? A real life woman, naked, in front of them, moaning her way to orgasm. The sounds you make when you are masturbating and the sight of you giving yourself pleasure are the ultimate turn-on for a man.

5. Watching a woman masturbate is very intimate.

Masturbation is a form of communication, when you let a man watch you do it. When you let men watch you masturbate you’re saying, “This is what I like, and I’m trusting you with this information, and I’m making myself vulnerable enough to share it with you.” Communication is essential in building an intimate relationship, and while talking might not always be easy for your man, acts like watching you masturbate he can do, and that will deepen your intimacy. RELATED: Why Guys Masturbate So Much (As Explained By Men) Rebecca Jane Stokes is a freelance writer and the former Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek with a passion for lifestyle, geek news, and true crime.