If you follow these rules and apply them to your life, consistently, you may find success comes your way.

What are the seven spiritual laws of success?

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success are a well-known approach to spiritual freedom and achieving your goals. RELATED: 26 Powerful Deepak Chopra Quotes Will Remind You To Breathe Created by Indian-born American author, Deepak Chopra, The Seven Spiritual Laws take a closer look at the meaning of true success. Throughout the years, we have been told that in order to reach success, it will take hard work and dedication. Perhaps this mindset has intimidated you. If that’s the case, you’re not alone. It can be easy to worry about what will go wrong if, for just a second, you get off track. What happens if I fail? Will everything I’ve worked for be thrown away? How can I achieve success when I don’t even have the motivation to brush my teeth at night? Well, get ready to be rid of all the what-ifs with the help of Chopra’s ideas. His Seven Spiritual Laws of Success encourage a new way of thinking about how to find triumph. The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success, first coined by Deepak Chopra, dive into the path towards genuine fulfillment. These laws include the importance of mental awareness, letting go of control, and detaching attitudes from a certain outcome. By following these laws, you will gain the strength to reach true success in your life. The Seven Laws are discussed in detail with examples of how to live them out. For instance, the Law of Pure Potentiality revolves around the practice of meditation. There are many ways that the Seven Laws can influence your life today. If you are looking for success, this article is for you. In the grand scheme of things, the Seven Spiritual Laws aim to make the journey to success more attainable. Society has placed such high standards on how to be fulfilled and Chopra reminds us that we’re overcomplicating the process. Regardless of your belief in the spiritual world, these laws are influential in their call for a simplistic and balanced life. However you choose to incorporate them into your approach to situations, they will keep you humble. There’s no reason to be afraid of the future or your chances at success with the Seven Spiritual Laws. It’s time to open your mind to the opportunity that awaits you.

Here are the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success and what each means:

1. Law of Pure Potentiality

By understanding that we can center ourselves by being conscious and aware, a level of calamity takes over. Sometimes we have the desire to control situations that can’t be changed so it’s important to focus on letting things just be. The Chopra Center explains that “when we realize that our true Self is one of pure potentiality, we align with the power that manifests everything in nature.” If we don’t fight what is meant to happen, genuine success can be achieved. A common way to focus on the present moment is to meditate. Chopra suggests silent meditation, twice a day for 30 minutes. Nonetheless, do what makes you feel comfortable. Even 5 minutes of controlled breathing will help center you. It’s also beneficial to take the time to be one with nature. Go for a walk and listen to the birds chirping, watch a sunset, or smell the scent of a flower. The last way to live out the Law of Pure Potentiality is to practice non-judgment of all things. Begin each day by saying, “Today, I shall judge nothing that occurs.”

2. Law of Giving

Too many times we become concerned with our own lives that we forget the importance of being gracious and kind to those we encounter. There is much to be said about giving the simple joys in life — compliments, flowers, hugs. It’s also significant to receive these same gifts. We must acknowledge that we are worthy of good things. The Chopra Center emphasizes the need for this dynamic exchange because “giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe.” Day by day, we should bring comfort and happiness to others. This could mean a good morning text to your significant other or cooking dinner for your mom. Similarly, we must open our hearts to receiving care, affection, appreciation, and love. Accept all that is offered to us every day — sunlight, a roof over our heads, and bodies that move.

3. Law of Karma

As many know, karma is the belief that what goes around comes around. If you put good into the world, good will come to you. The same is true with bad choices. This law is centered around the strife for positive energy. The Chopra Center states that “every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind.” We must be aware of the consequences that await our choices. It’s humbling to recognize that every decision we make influences our future. Use this knowledge as a way to enhance your everyday choices. Focus on the level of comfort or discomfort certain decisions give you. Your heart will act as your guiding light.

4. Law of Least Effort

Coinciding with similar ideas of the Law of Pure Potentiality, the Law of Least Effort asks you to surrender against the fight for control. It’s time to put your hands up and accept every situation for what it is. This doesn’t mean you have to be happy with the way things are, it just means that you accept they can’t be what you want. This law encourages us to live carefreely and stop using energy to change the unchangeable. Another part of the Law of Least Effort is taking responsibility for your situation and the events that you see as problematic. After all, we are the ones choosing to take issue with certain situations. Practice this law by staying grounded in the belief that relinquishing control will bring about genuine happiness. There is no need to defend your point of view because situations will unfold the way they’re supposed to. RELATED: Why Affirmations Can Help You Get What You Want

5. Law of Intention and Desire

Remembering your innermost desires in hard times will help you get through them. We can be motivated by our goals and ambitions while being reminded of our vision for the future. We need to trust in a bigger plan so as not to get discouraged when things don’t go our way. The present moment is unlike any other and there’s no reason to push past it. It’s possible to let our intentions and desires guide us while being grateful for what stands in our path right now. Carry out this law by making a list of your goals and looking at them frequently. You may also choose to create a vision board. However, you find it best to stay motivated towards your goals, do that. This is an important step in achieving the success you’re looking for.

6. Law of Detachment

Approaching situations in a detached way gives freedom to ourselves and others. If we are detached from the outcome of a certain event, there won’t be frustration and disappointment. This law doesn’t want us to force solutions, further creating problems, but rather to let things be as they are. Only then, can we be completely fulfilled by the joys of life. “In our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe,” says The Chopra Center. It may be difficult to participate in detached involvement, but practice makes perfect. Try starting each day with a call for detachment. Speak out loud, “Through the wisdom of uncertainty, I will find my security.”

7. Law of Dharma

Dharma is concerned with our purpose in life. What is it that you feel you were born to do? What are your special gifts and talents? The Law of Dharma wants you to use your purpose as a way to serve others. Perhaps your desire to be a singer will impact others with relatable lyrics. The Chopra Center describes, “When we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal.” Begin by making a list of your unique talents and things that bring you joy. Discover how you can use those gifts to inspire other people. This combination of self-expression and service of humanity will create abundant success. RELATED: Which Zodiac Signs Are The Most (Or Least) Spiritual​ Isabella Pacinelli is a writer who covers relationships, self-love, spirituality, and entertainment topics.