As the tenth Major Arcana card in the tarot deck, we might assume the Wheel of Fortune card is similar in meaning, and we’d be right. If we draw this card in a reading, we know that opportunity is in sight. What we do with opportunity is what it is all about, however.

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meanings

Upright meaning keywords: Good luck, good-decision making skills; luck in love, soulmates, good karma; good timing and taking chances with positive results Reversed meaning keywords: Bad luck, disorder, change of plans; misunderstandings and setbacks; unforeseeable interruptions; major delays, lateness RELATED: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide To Reading Tarot Cards In general, the Wheel of Fortune tarot card represents a significant change or transformation in the future. Just as a wheel is representative of the cycle of life, so too is this tarot card. Even though change may occur suddenly and without warning, it’s an important part of life. And to receive this card in a tarot reading shows that change is always necessary for growth.

The Wheel of Fortune Card Description

This rather busy card gives us many images to contemplate. In the traditional Rider-Waite tarot deck, we see a wheel with what looks like a sigil inside it. The sigil gives the wheel its North, South, East and West look, and has both Hebrew and English characters on it, spelling out the word “TAROT” in the center of the card. This wheel spins in the middle of some cloudy cosmic scene, surrounded by snakes, winged creatures in each corner, and something that looks like a dog-faced, red, male humanoid creature. Each winged being is writing in a book, and the wheel itself seems to be rotating on the red male humanoid with the animal head. On the right side of the wheel, we see the god, Anubis (that red guy), who represents good fortune and success. Photo: volkovslava / Shutterstock The alchemical symbols seen on this card are interesting. The four winged cherubic creatures are there to represent the four elements: fire, water, air and earth. They are also linked to the fixed signs in astrology — Leo, Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius. And let’s not forget the Sphinx sitting atop the wheel, holding an upright sword. The Sphinx symbolizes intelligence and higher consciousness. The snake is right at the being’s foot, ready to bite. The Typhoon, as it is called, is a mythological creature; he is the serpent on the left of the wheel, and is there to represent danger and deadliness. The wheel itself is representative of chance, choice and possibility. RELATED: How To Shuffle & Cleanse Tarot Cards For Accurate Readings Every Time

The Wheel of Fortune Upright Meaning

When the Wheel of Fortune card shows up in a reading, even if the reading is centered on a single card, it brings with it good fortune. It says that your destiny is about to change, and that all you have worked for is about to pay off. The Wheel of Fortune is there to let you know that you no longer need to doubt your choices, as you have made the right ones. It is a great card to get when you are asking questions on career or finance, and it lets you know that all things are moving in the right direction for you. Remember, a wheel spins, so what goes around comes around. If you put in the right effort, you will get the right outcome. This card reiterates your courage and ability to roll with the changes. It is also a great card for validation. The universe is supporting you, and it is letting you know this. This is especially good news when the concerns revolve around health, as this card signifies healthful, positive change. It is also there to tell you to keep going and to maintain your gift of good health.

The Wheel of Fortune Reversed Meaning

This is the card of major change, so when you receive the Wheel of Fortune in reverse, it heralds the idea of unforeseen bad tidings. Change is coming and it is not what you want; in fact, it is quite the opposite. It is a card that brings on feelings of victimization, a hopelessness born of not being able to control what others do to you. It is also the card of karma, and when reversed it usually means it is your turn to pay the karmic piper his due. This can be both materialistic and spiritual, both emotional and financial. If you made a mistake — a stupid one, one you are conscious of — you will pay the price, whatever that is. There is some comfort, however, in that this card gives you fair warning: make it right, right now. Nothing is irreversible with this card (remember, it spins — here today, gone tomorrow), and if you get it, you can use it as a prompt to get your life back in order. It is time to right the wrongs of the past as only you know how to do.

The Wheel of Fortune Meaning in Love & Relationships

What a wonderful card to see in the mix when you are inquiring about love and romance!

Love and Relationships: Upright Wheel of Fortune Meaning

While we all know that love is never a safe place, this card says, “Go for it anyway.” It is an affirmation card that lets you know you are on the right track with your loved one, and that all lights are green, so take advantage now. This card can also confirm if the one you have your heart set on is actually someone who is meant for you. It is a soulmate confirmation card, in its way. When we ask, “Do they love me?” and we get the Wheel of Fortune card, we can assume that, yes, that person most certainly does love us.

Love and Relationships: Reversed Wheel of Fortune Meaning

If, however, you get the Wheel of Fortune reversed in a love reading, it is cause for concern. If this is the card of change, in love it is about endings. It can also mean that the one you love doesn’t love you back. Messages like this are hard to hear, but once again, it is a wheel, which means it is cyclical. Bad news will be followed by good news eventually. In love, this card tells you to examine your relationship or situation, and ask yourself if what you have is even slightly what you want. RELATED: 12 Brilliant Tarot Card Quotes From Expert Readers On How To Do A Reading

The Wheel of Fortune Meaning in Career

In a career reading, the Wheel of Fortune can indicate if you are moving in the right direction toward your career goals, or that you’re struggling to keep up in the workplace.

Career: Upright Wheel of Fortune Meaning

Receiving an upright Wheel of Fortune indicates that you will soon experience big changes that will bring you closer to achieving your goals. Whether or not you are happy with your current position is irrelevant; this card indicates changes of all different kinds, which will lead you to growth both in and out of the workplace. If you’ve been considering starting your own business or changing career fields, receiving the Wheel of Fortune means now is a good time to do so. Just be sure to embrace the change openly and go with the flow.

Career: Reversed Wheel of Fortune Meaning

A reversed Wheel of Fortune in a career reading means you may feel stuck in your current job or position and are bound to experience changes that may make you very uncomfortable. This card will push you to ask yourself if you’re truly satisfied with your career, and if you’ve actually been working toward your dreams. But it’s essential to not feel daunted by the past. Instead, use this as an opportunity to learn from your shortcomings, find the right balance, and take advantage of opportunities coming your way.

The Wheel of Fortune Meaning in Finance

In a finance reading, the Wheel of Fortune card can either mean being careful of taking any risks, or that you may find financial issues in the near future.

Finance: Upright Wheel of Fortune Meaning

In the upright position, the Wheel of Fortune is a warning to beware of unexpected changes. It’s a sign that you need to be prepared financially for any difficulties or issues. However, this card also indicates that you will find positive opportunities and luck, and that you won’t be stuck at a disadvantage for long.

Finance: Reversed Wheel of Fortune Meaning

When you draw the Wheel of Fortune in a reversed position, think of it as a pre-indication that you shouldn’t make any risky moves or gambling with your money at this time. There will certainly be difficulties and unexpected changes along the way. But if you find yourself without a financial safety net, your problems are only temporary. Be sure to prepare yourself for what is coming, and make sure you’re ready for the next step. RELATED: Why It Matters What Time Of Day You Pull A Tarot Card Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, runes, and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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