In a TikTok video, Breanna Strong showed off the party she’d planned for her daughter, Avery Drew’s third birthday, but didn’t expect that things would take a turn for the worse.

Avery’s mom invited 27 children to her daughter’s party, but none of them showed up.

Strong had planned a wholesome day for her daughter, Avery, to celebrate her birthday. The party was a “jungle-themed indoor playground” that was held at KidsTopia Playground in Salt Lake City, Utah. It was equipped with enormous slides, ball pits, and tunnels for the party guests to enjoy. Unfortunately, it ended up just being Strong and Avery who were left to enjoy the festivities. RELATED: Woman Asks If She’s Wrong For Deliberately Throwing Her Daughter’s Birthday Party On Her Stepsister’s Wedding Day “We invited 27 children to Avery’s 3rd birthday party,” Strong wrote in overlay text. “Not a single one of her friends showed up.”     “Money and time wasted. Breaks my momma heart so bad. Literally going to go home and snuggle my babies. I wish I was making this up,” she added. In one clip, Avery can be seen eating a slice of pizza by herself as her mom throws away the other boxes into the trash.  In the end, Strong is sitting in her car, seemingly holding back tears as she drives her and Avery back home following the failed celebration. RELATED: Single Mom Explains Why She Was Kicked Out Of A Church Food Pantry After Daughter Was Caught With Lollipop

Strong explained that children were supposed to show up after confirming their attendance.

In the comment section of the TikTok video, Strong offered more background information regarding the failed attendees at her daughter’s party. She clarified that she’d sent out virtual invitations to all of the parents of Avery’s friends on Facebook. Out of all of the invites, seven families initially RSVP’d with a “yes” that they were bringing their children to the party. However, at the last minute, several families alerted Strong that they wouldn’t be able to make it, while the rest didn’t offer any heads-up and were a no-show. Strong said that she was more upset about the entire ordeal than Avery was, pointing out that her daughter still enjoyed herself and was too young to understand why no one was at her party. “She got everything she wanted. Pizza, frozen cake, and [a] jungle gym,” Strong wrote in the comment section. “She didn’t know any different rather than having fun. Just shattered my heart.”

Strong’s video garnered support from people who sympathized with her and Avery.

“This is a rule at my house. If we are invited, we’re GOING! We have been the only ones that show up. So sad this happens I’m so sorry,” one user wrote. Another user chimed in, writing, “Oh my gosh I feel so bad! people are so heartless these days, not sharing good values or educating their kids to be kind and [empathetic].” RELATED: Mom Criticized For Posting Daughter’s Traumatized Response To Being Forcibly Taken To Visit Her Dad Nia Tipton is a writer living in Brooklyn. She covers pop culture, social justice issues, and trending topics. Keep up with her on Instagram and Twitter.