Currently, the Sun and Venus have already been in the partnership-dominated sign of Libra, but this week as Mercury, now direct, joins in, it means important conversations are going to come up. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Tarot Card Reading For October 1 - 31, 2022 The Sun represents action while Venus is all about love, together with Mercury which wants to communicate about everything that means only one thing; to get the change that you are seeking in your relationship, you need to be prepared to have the conversations that will make that happen. With only one major astrological influence this week, it is clear that the focus is on communication. In the background, the ongoing Saturn in Aquarius climax with Uranus in Taurus is still affecting the stability of relationships by making sure that you don’t feel restricted by love and instead can embrace the freedom of a healthy trusting relationship. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope For October 10 - 16, 2022 Eclipse Season is right around the corner which means it is a wild card scenario with dramatic shifts likely. Until then, take this week for the gift that it is and communicate about what matters most so that you can continue to deepen your relationship instead of only wishing that you had it.

Dates to mark on your calendar for this week’s love horoscope:

Monday, October 10th Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Libra this week joining both the Sun and Venus. This is an incredibly beneficial time for relationships as Libra is one of the ruling signs of Venus, the planet of love. Libra has a different take on relationships though, one that is much healthier. Libra believes in balance and reciprocal energy. It understands that love is about being partners in life together and that who you have beside you makes an enormous difference in where you ultimately will be going. Beginning this week until the end of the month, the focus will be on the conversations that you have about how to actually create a more balanced and harmonious relationship. If single, it is an exciting time to begin to create the foundation for a lasting relationship as Venus in Libra will make sure that you are basing everything on reality instead of only the fantasy of what love could be.

Here is what’s in store for each zodiac sign’s weekly love horoscope starting October 10 - 16, 2022.


(March 21 - April 19) The best day for love: Monday, October 10th Right now, Sun and Venus are in Libra which governs your romantic relationships. This week Mercury moves into the mix adding to the intensity and importance of this time in your love life. The Sun rules action, Venus, love, and Mercury’s communication. This means that if you have been putting off an important conversation regarding taking a new direction in your relationship, then this is the week to finally sit down and have it. RELATED: 10 Simple Ways To Make Conversation Easier When You Struggle To Connect


(April 20 - May 20) The best day for love: Tuesday, October 11th Mars in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces will have you focusing on themes surrounding what and who you value. Together they are creating a point of tension this week which means that there is a change in the air. Whether it is that you have been prioritizing friends over your partner or even their opinions over your own needs. It is time to more deeply reflect on where you have been so that you can start making changes now. RELATED: 9 Things The Happiest Couples Talk About On A Regular Basis


(May 21 - June 20) The best day for love: Monday, October 10th Mercury is the planet that rules your mind and communication. This is your ruling planet which means that this week as it moves into Libra it is incredibly important for you. While you may be more talkative or communicative than most, it is not always about those deeper matters that committed relationships require. Once Mercury makes this shift, you are being guided to open up a little more and start talking about what really matters. RELATED: 5 Therapy Techniques Proven To Save Any Relationship


(June 21 - July 22) The best day for love: Thursday, October 13th Saturn in Aquarius is still affecting a bit of your romantic life especially as it has a few more weeks of retrograde left to go. This energy is affecting huge transformations within your life, especially surrounding themes of intimacy. As this planet creates a point of action with Uranus in Taurus it will also mention how important those around you are to the changes that you are going through and your deepening need for connection. The answer that you are seeking may be as close as the person next to you. RELATED: 7 Secret Ways To Build Emotional Intimacy That Lasts


(July 23 - August 22) The best day for love: Thursday, October 13th Saturn in Aquarius affects your romantic life, currently, in retrograde it is likely that you feel restricted or that things have stalled out. The good news is that this is over in a few weeks so now is the time to start absorbing the lessons that you need to be able to move forward. Uranus in Taurus brings up themes surrounding your career and how you are seen by others. Make sure that you are not putting work before love or caring what others think. Only you know what kind of life and relationship you truly need. RELATED: 15 Signs You Don’t Care About Your Relationship Anymore


(August 23 - September 22) The best day for love: Tuesday, October 11th This week Mercury, the planet of communication, and your ruling planet enter Libra adding to the energy that you are already feeling by having Sun and Venus in this air sign. Libra represents the part of your life that rules what and who you value. As much as it is easy to focus on those things that feel in your control, it does not mean that a relationship or love will always feel like that. Make sure this week you are opening yourself up about how much your partner does mean to you so that you don’t end up losing something you have been working towards. RELATED: Take These 3 Actions And You’ll Never Get Divorced, Guaranteed


(September 23 - October 22) The best day for love: Wednesday, October 12th Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all in Libra giving you a healthy dose of self-reflection and how your views affect what it is you create within your life. This week the Sun in Libra forms a harmonious alliance with Saturn in Aquarius helping you express everything that you have been thinking of. Now is the time to express your needs and dreams to your partner or even prospective partner as you are going to be coming across more clearly and also will more easily find common ground to increase success. RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Are Marriage Material, Ranked From Most To Least


(October 23 - November 21) The best day for love: Thursday, October 13th Mars in Gemini has been activating themes around intimacy for you since the end of August and will continue to transform this area of your life until March of 2023. This week as it forms a point of transformation with Neptune in Pisces it will encourage your sense of self-expression. When it comes to love and relationships it is important to be able to advocate for what it is you truly need, otherwise, your partner may not know. Communicating about what matters most is how you actually receive it. RELATED: Which Zodiac Signs Are Insecure Vs. Confident, Ranked From Most To Least


(November 22 - December 21) The best day for love: Tuesday, October 12th The wonderful thing is that you are in the midst of a lot of changes right now, the more frustrating side may be that it is going to take some time. Mars in Gemini has thrown a focus on your committed relationships which will continue to evolve and transform until early next week. As it forms a climax point with Neptune in Pisces bringing up themes around home and family, it is like something important will occur. There may be a move in store and even a change in your relationship, all of which you likely already know will happen. This week an important stepping stone into the news occurs. RELATED: Which Zodiac Signs Have Psychic Powers, Ranked From Most To Least Mystical


(December 22 - January 19) The best day for love: Sunday, October 16th The Moon governs your emotional and internal self, this week as it crosses into the watery realm of Cancer it brings your attention to your romantic relationships. Sometimes in your life, you try to tell yourself that this is not something that you need. That you are fine with yourself, with your career, or even with friends and family. But ultimately, there is a deep longing for a connection that you have which you need, to be honest about. This week the Cancer Moon makes that possible which allows you to start taking a chance on love. RELATED: Your Worst Quality, According To Your Zodiac Sign


(January 20 - February 18) The best day for love: Thursday, October 13th The more that you know yourself, the more that you will be able to create a life that truly aligns with you. Saturn in Aquarius has been providing some major growth points for you to consider and reflect on. As it has been retrograding for the last time in your zodiac sign, a big part of this is finding closure which means that you are going to be free to actually start building what it is you want. A big part of this is what home represents to you and also who you share it with. Let yourself speak your dreams this week and don’t be surprised if they actually start coming true. RELATED: 7 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Truly Growing As A Person


(February 19 - March 20) The best day for love: Monday, October 10th Mercury is the third planet to move into Libra which activates not only change and transformation but themes surrounding intimacy as well. With Jupiter having spent a portion of its time in your zodiac sign and returning soon, there has been a change in how you view abundance and your own self-worth. This changes what intimacy, especially physical intimacy, means to you and how you cultivate it with a partner. While Venus and Sun are already in this area of your life, Mercury joining in means that it is time to open back up to these conversations which are an essential part of any intimate relationship. RELATED: 12 Signs You Have Low Self-Esteem (And It’s Affecting Your Quality Of Life) Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.