The week looks relatively smooth and uneventful, however, the main cause for any alarm is all about perception and our minds. If we believe a thing is negative, we create a negative situation out of it. And then, we are left to live it out. All in all, it looks like a varied reading today. Some of us will be receiving great news, while others will be seeing old friends. There may be a few ruffled feathers this week as we stand by our beliefs and get into mini-wars over what we believe in. There is a lot of pride floating around this week, and that’s the stuff that usually gets us in trouble. What’s really nice is that it’s finally becoming Spring and that is something that always helps our attitude out. RELATED: How Mercury In Pisces Affects Each Zodiac Sign, March 9, 2022 - April 8, 2022 There’s something about the newness of the Spring season that inspires us to shake off the past. And, as the cards tell us, we will be doing just that. One way or another, we will find what we are looking for this week. It may take the long route, or it may show up as a surprise, but however it shows up, we will be ready and on the ball.

Here’s your zodiac sign’s weekly one card tarot reading for March 21 - 27, 2022:


(March 21 - April 19) Tarot card: Ten of Pentacles Family wealth and good tidings abound. This is a great tarot card reading for you, as this card shows you that you are in possession of financial security and the promise of more to come. You are trying to balance the family and work, and with this tarot card as your guiding light, you will see some awesome success happen to you this week. Keep doing what you’re doing as it’s working beautifully. RELATED: Why Are Aries So Hot?


(April 20 - May 20) Tarot card: Strength This week will bring out your courageous side, and with it comes the success of your efforts. You stood the test of time and now you are able to show for it. You are strong and brave and what you set your heart on, will be easily acquired. You are the strong one in your relationship as well, and you’ll be making a few hefty decisions in that area, this week. All good, no worries. RELATED: Why Are Taurus So Hard To Love?


(May 21 - June 20) Tarot card: Eight of Swords, reversed Watch your back this week, Gemini, as this card implies that there’s someone you need to be careful around. This could mean a betrayal in the making, or someone stabbing you in the back over something ridiculous. You’ll be experiencing the end of something this week, and it will probably be a working relationship. Be vigilant; not everyone is your friend this week. RELATED: Why You Should Never Tell A Gemini To, “Get Over It”, Per Astrology


(June 21 - July 22) Tarot card: The Magician, reversed This is the week when you need to take a mental health vacation. If you’ve been feeling depressed, then you need to tend to this, as it has the potential of spiraling out of control. Please get a handle on this and if it means that you need to pull out of any uncomfortable engagements that you’ve signed up for, then know that it’s OK to claim time for yourself. RELATED: How A Cancer Zodiac Sign Breaks Up With You, Per Astrology


(July 23 - August 22) Tarot card: Ace of Wands This is a great week for you to start something new, from scratch, as they say. All the forces on your side and if you are in the mood to become creative, then put your all into it. You can’t help but run into massive success this week. If ever you’ve wanted to start anew, this is a fantastic week to set new sails in motion. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope For March 21 - 27, 2022


(August 23 - September 22) Tarot card: Nine of Swords, reversed This week goes to paranoia and fear. Your main fear this week is getting caught. What you did is something only you know, but it’s on your mind and it’s tripping you up. You feel guilty and embarrassed, but you are still too filled with pride to admit to your mistakes. And you won’t. So expect this week to reveal your secrets to those you wished to hide them from. RELATED: How To Keep A Virgo Madly In Love With You, Per Astrology


(September 23 - October 22) Tarot card: King of Wands This is the week you receive some good news, and it may also be the week where an old friend is the one who delivers that news. All in all, you can expect help and advice, some of it well needed and appreciated. It’s going to be a good week for you, one that is filled with happy surprises and healthy choices. RELATED: How A Libra Shows Love Towards Other Zodiac Signs, Per Astrology


(October 23 - November 21) Tarot card: Seven of Pentacles, reversed We all get this feeling now and then, and what you’ll be experiencing heavily this week is anxiety over money. You may have overspent recently, and now you’re worried about a certain bill that needs paying — one that you absolutely do not have the money for. This feeling snowballs throughout the week until you figure out a rational plan to pay off your debts. RELATED: Why Are Scorpios So Hard To Understand?


(November 22 - December 21) Tarot card: Two of Wands, reversed You won’t be able to sit still this week, as you’ll be way too perplexed and confused over the events that occur. Now, understand that these events will all be wonderful, but you were not expecting anything this grand to occur. The Two of Wands reversed implies surprise and joy…but it’s the ‘surprise’ part that will catch you off guard. RELATED: 10 Reasons Why A Sagittarius Zodiac Sign Is The Best Friend You’ll Ever Have


(December 22 - January 19) Tarot card: Page of Wands This tarot card is one to keep you alert this week. There’s someone in your life who is directly competing with you, and if you study them for too long, you may start to think they have the edge over you. RELATED: Why Is Capricorn So Underrated?


(January 20 - February 18) Tarot card: Temperance, reversed You can more than likely expect turmoil between you and a friend over something having to do with beliefs. This could be a war over religious beliefs or it might be political, and we all know how heated things can get when those topics are at play. Expect to see some ugly behavior, and possibly an end to a friendship because of it. RELATED: 8 Reasons Why Aquarius Is The Best Friend You Never Knew You Needed


(February 19 - March 10) Tarot card: The Hermit, reversed You will start this week out feeling as though something is wrong, and as the week progresses, your feelings will grow into outright fear and paranoia. You’ll want to stay home, alone, in your thoughts. You trust only your own self this week, and you will go out of your way to stay isolated. Something out there bugs you and will not let you live in peace. It will pass, but this week will be dedicated to isolation. RELATED: Pisces Dark Side: Bad & Negative Traits Of The Pisces Zodiac Sign Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter.