That would be nice, wouldn’t it? If we lay down the cards and all we see is the promise of goodness. Let’s see, who knows maybe this first week might contain more than a hangover, time off and that nagging feeling of “Come on, let’s get this thing going already!” RELATED: Monthly One Card Tarot Reading For January 2022 Let’s put it this way, of all the weeks of the year, this one has the least amount of pressure on it. You’d think it would not be this way, but this first week is always about waiting to go back to work, waiting for this or that to kick in, and waiting for life to go back to normal. It’s the second week of the year that will bring serious action. So, for now, in this first week of a very special year, 2022, we can sit back, take some advice, dream of a better day, and plan for a fantastic future. Let’s take a look now at what the Tarot tells us…

Weekly One Card Tarot Reading, January 3 - 9, 2022


(March 21 - April 19) Tarot card: Knight of Swords, reversed Exactly as predicted, this card speaks of chilling out simply because you don’t have the energy at this point to start it all up. You probably DID party hard on New Year’s Eve, and even if you didn’t, you are ’not there’ yet, when it comes to jumping on the bandwagon for the New Year. You’ll get there, and you feel confident about that. Right now, this week, you’ll be mellowing out, preparing for week two. It’s all good. RELATED: The 5 Most Laid-Back Zodiac Signs In Astrology


(April 20 - May 20) Tarot card: Temperance, reversed You’re going to take this week to reflect and think about what you want to do with this year ahead. You will be taking a very spiritual approach to your new year, and you need this week to figure it all out. Great revelations will be coming to you this week, and you’ll find yourself on a very unique path. You want to bring more light into your life, and this week, you may just stumble on the best way ever to do so. RELATED: Which Zodiac Signs Are The Most (Or Least) Spiritual


(May 21 - June 20) Tarot card: Two of Pentacles, reversed Before you get into anything too serious, you are lucky enough to be able to take this week off (to a degree) so that you can fully indulge in the kind of silly stuff you love. If you’re a gamer, you’ll probably lose your mind in tech this week, and if you’re a creative gizmo-loving Gemini, expect to get your hands dirty while you involve yourself in fun, mind-boggling projects. RELATED: 6 Zodiac Signs Who Enjoy Playing Mind Games


(June 21 - July 22) Tarot card: Three of Swords, reversed While this card doesn’t ’look’ that nice, it’s quite meaningful for you, as it represents your present mental state, and where that’s it is in self-reflection, a minor amount of self-doubt, and the idea of acknowledging what’s wrong in your life so that you can make a concerted effort to make it right. There is promise in this card, but it depends on how much effort you put into doing the right thing by yourself. RELATED: What It Means For Your Zodiac Sign To Be Self-Aware, Per Astrology


(July 23 - August 22) Tarot card: Ace of Pentacles, reversed You’re going to start this year by spending way too much money and having way too good a time for the first week! You know you have obligations coming up, and while they do press on you, you’d rather mellow into them ’next week’ than do anything other than spend money, buy gifts, eat expensive and yummy foods with friends. Let’s call it the ‘storm before the calm.’ RELATED: The Best Way To Get Each Zodiac Sign To Calm Down


(August 23 - September 22) Tarot card: The Hermit, reversed You are walking into the first week of the new year with trepidation. Something happened to you at the end of last year that makes you feel like you should be more careful about certain things. This is your week to steady your pace and make sure that everything ‘works’. This could be physical or health-related. You had a scare; you are safe now, but you are still unsure of yourself. You’ll be OK. Baby steps. RELATED: How Each Of The Zodiac Signs Stay Healthy


(September 23 - October 22) Tarot card: The Emperor It’s all positive energy for you, Libra, as this card reveals who you are a strong, focused leader who knows what they are doing. You will be in a position to help others this week and while doing so, you will inspire someone to grow into a better version of themselves. Your clarity rules the week, as you have no doubts or qualms to set you back. Confidence is key and you have enough of it to spare. RELATED: The Personality Trait Each Zodiac Sign Is Most Proud Of, According To Astrology


(October 23 - November 21) Tarot card: The Fool You are one of the folks we spoke of, who wait another week for the reality of a new year to set in. As for this week, you’re doing nothing but what you want. You just don’t feel like going with the flow, as your flow says stay home and overeat. You’re all about the overindulgences this week — resolutions? What the heck are those things about anyway? You’ll get to your 2022 when you feel like it. After all, you’re the boss of you! RELATED: 5 Gluttonous Zodiac Signs That Absolutely Love Food


(November 22 - December 21) Tarot card: Queen of Wands, reversed Your main objective this week is to stay in prosperity consciousness. You worked during the last week of the year, and you’ll work even harder during the first week. You find this to be auspicious, and it sets your mind up to think and believe that this entire year is going to bring you a great financial fortune. You’d be right, so keep up the good work, Sagittarius. RELATED: How Each Of The Zodiac Signs Save Money


(December 22 - January 19) Tarot card: Nine of Wands This is a tough card, and it represents a tough person. That person is you, Capricorn, and during this first week, you may immediately come into some strife. There will be someone who is adamantly against your wishes, and let’s just put it this way: you will plow them down. You are right, they are wrong, and in order to do what is right, you’ll have to be forceful. I don’t see a problem there. RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Are Mortal Enemies


(January 20 - February 18) Tarot card: Eight of Wands This week is about movement, exercise, momentum, and action. You’ll be swept off your feet and thrown into the heart of it all, where you will get to show what you are made of. This is a great week to prove to people that you are ready to work and able to create greatness. It’s also a good time to join a gym or get into a good hot yoga class. RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs Who Are Super Into Fitness


(February 19 - March 10) Tarot card: Knight of Cups This card is strictly about a message, one that is either coming your way or one that you will be delivering. If this strikes you as correct, it’s because this message has been in dire need of communicating, and it’s finally time. This message is positive and helpful and whether you are the recipient or the delivery person, the message is about love and should be treated as such. RELATED: How To Understand Each Zodiac Sign’s Text Message, Per Astrology Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda