The reason it’s difficult is that it can be hard to discern the difference between your inner conscious voice and the information that you are receiving from “beyond the physical.” This fact should not deter you from working with this wonderful gift and you should listen to the voices in your head. RELATED: How To Tap Into Your Inner Psychic Abilities (Because Everyone’s A Little Psychic)

What is clairaudience?

Clairaudience is the soul’s capacity to capture audio or sound information from beyond the limits of the physical sense of hearing. In addition, this information can be a form of mediumship because it can come from voices heard from loved ones, guides, angels, or the Divine. However, it doesn’t have to be your soul’s voice or from an entity because some sounds may be a symbol or a “call to action” that a person learns through experience about a clairaudient impression.

Why You Should Listen To Your Clairaudience

Clairaudience is for precognition, a sense to fight or flee a situation. It gives you insight, problem-solving skills, inspiration, or ideas to help you create. Other nuances of this special faculty include the ability to occasionally hear the thoughts of others, and learn about another person’s aura by hearing the name of color when you’re next to another person, mantras, and perspective. Clairaudience has a physical feature in that you may hear a sound or voice that’s exclusive to you that’s outside of your mind. It exists whether you have a physical sense of hearing. These aspects must be considered to fully understand the sense. If you’re strong with this ability, it can be a “door opener” for your other psychic senses. It can be the first psychic sense to alert you of an opportunity that your other gifts such as your clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, psychic smell, and taste will embellish upon. They further the impression you have received and give you a better understanding of the way you should act upon it. This psychic sense enriches you, helps with your soul’s growth, assists you with direction in your life, gives perspective, and it exists whether you have the physical sense of hearing or not. The psychic ability allows you to have an “edge” in life when you need it. It assists you in your daily lives by receiving “mantras” for you to use when you ask the Universe to give you guidance. RELATED: What Ringing In Your Right Ear Means, Spiritually

How To Know If You’re Clairaudient

If you want some clues as to whether you may be clairaudient, there are at least six personality traits that you may possess. These traits are more prominent with clairaudient individuals than people who have other psychic skills as their primary sense. Clairaudience is potentially part of your makeup if: You are a skeptic. Clairaudient people do not like to be fooled and will want proof about any concept or idea presented to them. They must prove the idea to themselves before they will give any “standing” to the validity. A clairaudient will want to test or prove valid to their high standard. You are a detail person. A clairaudient is someone who does not mind getting the facts. Their investigative abilities are greater than most people because they want to get to the source of a situation or issue. It is common for accountants, attorneys, or engineers to be clairaudient because of their persistence to get it right or not do it. You are drawn to orange. Orange is associated with creativity, but it is the color for clairaudience. It is a difficult color to wear but clairaudient folks may have some around them. Clairaudients do not mind difficult tasks and are good problem solvers. You may be sarcastic or arrogant or you do not filter your thoughts. This is an issue for clairaudients because it can isolate you from conversations with friends or family. You may not be seen as being able to keep other people’s secrets but have many of your own! You are considered difficult to get along with because you want to be in control. This trait is not limited to clairaudients but can be a major personality trait for them. Inflexibility and the difficulty in being a “team” player makes you a person that may work better alone. You are a perfectionist. A clairaudient does not settle for second best. You may be a person that does not stop until you have maximized an opportunity. The hard aspects of a clairaudient personality should not necessarily be considered negative. The reason is that these traits are needed to complement other personalities.  Clairaudients may be considered Type A people, but they get things done and can have leadership qualities. These personality traits are associated with people who may not believe in psychic abilities at all. They may not possess other psychic personality traits, or they are overshadowed by their clairaudient tendencies. A clairaudient needs to seek balance and attempt to trust their other senses and not just depend upon the voices and sounds that they have grown to depend upon to get the results they want. RELATED: 5 Spiritual Gifts & The Meaning Of Each One

Here are 11 reasons why you should listen to the voices in your head.

1. It can be a warning of an impending issue that will require your full attention.

Precognition of a future event through a voice or symbolic sound in your head is valuable and those who listen to it can be prepared to handle a potential surprise or crisis. Discounting this voice because your logical mind concludes it is a false alarm may cause you to regret it later.

2. It can raise your attention level and alert you to a potentially harmful situation.

Your heightened senses that are activated are your other psychic and physical senses. They react by noticing any sensations or activities that may be out of place from a normal scenario.

3. It can give you the answer to a problem or issue you’ve been trying to work out.

It’s different from using your logical mind because the answer is an unprovoked audio response that may or may not come while you are thinking about the item in question. The logical mind builds consensus and can use trial and error for problem-solving while clairaudience simply gives the solution!

4. You’ll be inspired.

Inspiration is a feature that all the psychic senses share. With clairaudience, it’s uniquely from the sound. A new idea that’s “first heard” is different from being “first felt, seen, smelled, tasted, or just known.” Another key element is following up on the idea that your heard and trusting its validity.

5. It’s a gift from the Universe.

New literature, music, or technology can be first heard by the soul’s capturing the information from beyond. Trusting the soul and it’s voice is rewarding because it can bring much joy and happiness.

6. You’re aware of other people’s thoughts.

Hearing the thoughts of another person is not uncommon. It can occur as a wave of information. Being aware of hearing another person’s thoughts is not an intrusion unless the information is used improperly. It is simply another aspect of the gift. RELATED: 15 Psychic Signs That Someone Is Thinking About You

7. Auras represent the energy around a person.

It should not be a surprise that they can be sensed by sound. The knowledge of an aura is another tool available to you via clairaudience. If you hear the color of another person’s aura you can be aware of their mood, disposition, or their intentions.

8. You’ll find your mantra.

Meditation can be used to ask the universe to provide you with a “mantra.” A mantra is a word or phrase that you receive from the Universe that gives you direction on the type of behavior you should engage in for an upcoming meeting or event. You may not understand the reason you’ve received the “heads up” until you’re at your meeting or event, but it will make sense once you are there.

9. You can gain perspective.

Your soul’s voice helps you understand a set of facts that may have escaped you in the past. Experience can be a good teacher but gaining comprehension of them is another matter. Clairaudience and your soul’s voice explain data in manners that make sense to you and assist you in maturing.

10. Your mind can hear.

Hearing is a precious sense, but you can have your clairaudience without the physical sense of hearing. The reason is that it exists beyond the physical sense and works within your mind and with your soul. Sound remains a part of your life without the physical sensations, but it’s only known to you.

11. You have a “direct voice.”

This aspect is usually associated with the mediumship element of clairaudience, but it can be a sound that only you hear. Your soul’s energy extends beyond your body and can communicate to use by messaging you outside of your mind. RELATED: What It Means If You Keep Seeing 1111 Everywhere Is it clairaudience? Your logical inner voice is different from your psychic inner voice. Your clairaudient voice is a rebel. It doesn’t follow rules and regulations.  The audio information is like its sister senses in that it comes without warning and the information it gives will move you. It can be profound and alter your life when it appears. You will notice that the information you receive is not in your normal thought patterns. It’s unusual, uncommon, and can even be a nag! Being annoyed until you act upon your thoughts is common because it can be unrelenting. Paying attention to your inner voice and its nuances of it is essential in developing this psychic ability.  Trusting your sense of clairaudience is an area that you will need to develop. It requires careful consideration because the information that you may receive is not always correct. Clairaudience, like your other psychic abilities, is a private gift that must be used with caution. Confidence in using your ability takes time to develop and must be used responsibly. Using your gift properly is empowering and can enrich the lives of others. Those who cultivate their gift of clairaudience do not mind being wrong some of the time. The sense sets you on the path of finding the right answer.  The reward of refining your listening skills is worth it because you never know what clairaudient experience might be just the thing to change the world. RELATED: What It Means When Your Ears Burn (Physically & Spiritually!) John Cappello, M.B.A., is a psychic medium, and author of metaphysical books and children’s books about angels. For more information, visit his website.