Many born under this most oral of all zodiac signs claim they can literally be talked to orgasm, or that they can chat their partners to nirvana. Let it be known that Geminis are dirty talkers and are known to elevate talking dirty to an art form. They’re so good at it that it’s difficult for partners to compete! RELATED: The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Gemini Zodiac Sign But if you’re trying to learn how to have great sex with a Gemini, don’t worry. They’ll appreciate your efforts to keep up, even if your naughty prose is nowhere near as creative (or downright nasty) as theirs is. Filthy philosophizing just seems to effortlessly spill from between their lips. In fact, after the heat of the moment has passed, they’re apt to be a little embarrassed about what they said.

Here’s what it’s like to have sex with a Gemini.

Gemini women are amazing kissers.

Speaking of lips, Gemini tend to very gifted at kissing. They will treat lovers to twists of the tongue they never imagined. Lip locks with one the Twins is guaranteed to curl your toes, straighten your hair and tie your knickers in a bow.

Geminis are highly skilled at oral sex.

They’re so fantastic at oral sex that you might think they have two tongues. In a sense, they do. Not only are Gems artful at cunnilingus and fellatio, but they supremely enjoy performing the act — so much so that they might actually prefer giving a bit more than getting. Don’t be insulted if your Gemini partner would rather give than receive. It’s just in their nature, so go with it. Believe it or not, they get off on you getting off almost as much as you do.

Gemini’s lovemaking is varied, energetic and creative.

Be prepared for an enjoyable romp when you bed a Gemini. They’re curious about all kinds of sexual expression, are usually game for anything and are willing to try out something new. This is one reason they’re comfortable and confident in threesomes, especially trios which include two same-sex partners. Again, this is due to the twin aspect of their Sun sign. RELATED: 8 Reasons Gemini Women Are The Best Women To Love

Geminis find role-playing to be fulfilling.

Role-playing games can be extremely fulfilling with a Gemini since they are imaginative and fun-loving. But be sure that the scenarios are varied. Geminis are easily bored with the same old scenario, even in fantasy. Keep a storehouse of ideas, props and costumes on hand for any role-playing forays. They can only reenact “the cheerleader and the football star” so many times before wanting to branch off into “the headmaster and the naughty student.” And one guess who likes to be the top…

Geminis enjoy talking during sex.

A downside to Gemini’s “oral fixation” might be their tendency to break out into a lengthy treatise in the middle of sex. To them, talk is just extended foreplay — it turns them on. But no worries, they’re easily redirected. Sometimes a hard, passionate kiss on the mouth is all it takes to shut them up and get your point across. Some Geminis are sexually promiscuous, flitting from partner to partner like a bumblebee from flower to flower. That’s one of the reasons they’re known as the butterflies of the Zodiac. Others prefer one partner and have a lot of sex with them. But this has less to do with being turned on and more to do with Gemini’s desire to do it all.

How to Have Great Sex with a Gemini

Although Geminis are sensual individuals, they’re generally more driven by their intellect than by their desires. Some may even over-think sex to the point of distraction so that it disturbs their enjoyment of the act. Their hyperactive mind might be so pronounced that it interferes with a man’s ability to sustain an erection and with a woman’s capacity to climax. A good sexual partner for Gemini is someone who can handle their over-active mind, and easily distract them with something much more titillating. Remedying the situation could simply be an instance of mind over matter. In most cases, the Gemini tendency to constantly examine the “what if’s” and “buts” in life doesn’t sneak into the bedroom, but when it does, be sure to keep their interest. Because with a Gemini, you are practically guaranteed an attentive, playful lover. RELATED: Gemini Compatibility In Love, Sex & Relationships