But did you know that there are some important points in the chart that aren’t even planets? For example, the lunar node placements in your natal chart reveal your destiny as well as hints about your past lives.

What are the Lunar Nodes in Astrology?

The Lunar Nodes are astrological markers that show the highest and lowest points (respectively) of the Moon’s orbit at your time of birth. According to astrology, they can tell you a lot about your karmic energy, your past lives, and your purpose in this incarnation. RELATED: What It Means If You Have A Stellium In Your Natal Chart, According To Astrology

North Node

The North Node shows what you should be concentrating on. It appears where the Moon is highest in the sky, directly across the chart from the South Node. Its symbol in your natal chart looks like a horseshoe with the ends pointing down. The North Node indicates the direction that your soul is headed. If you want to balance your karma and absorb the lessons that this life is supposed to show you, seek out experiences relating to your North Node. Your North Node tells you about your soul’s true desires. Your “mission” in this life is to cultivate the qualities of the sign in which your North Node is found.

South Node

The South Node appears where the Moon is lowest in the sky. In your chart, its symbol looks like a horseshoe with the ends pointing up. This signifies the experiences and talents that you’ve brought with you from your past life into your current incarnation. The South Node shows what comes easy and seems familiar to you — and these things should since you’ve done all that already. This is not where you should be focusing in this life, though. You’re here to discover new things and create new connections.

How to Find Your Lunar Nodes

To find your lunar nodes, use a birth chart calculator to complete your natal chart. To do this, you’ll need to enter your birthplace and time. The lunar nodes change signs every 18 months.

North Node Meanings

Aries North Node

Jul 8, 1930 – Dec 28, 1931Jan 27, 1949 – Jul 26, 1950Aug 20, 1967 – Apr 19, 1969Apr 7, 1986 – Dec 2, 1987Dec 27, 2004 – Jun 22, 2006July 18, 2023 – Jan 11, 2025

Make sure you get plenty of alone time and work on your self-confidence. Leadership and independence might make you nervous if your North Node is in Aries, but you need to learn how to push an issue and stand up for yourself instead of relying on other people.

Taurus North Node

Dec 29, 1928 – Jul 7, 1930Aug 3, 1947 – Jan 26, 1949Feb 20, 1966 – Aug 19, 1967Sep 12, 1984 – Apr 6, 1986Apr 15, 2003 – Dec 26, 2004January 19, 2022 – July 17, 2023

You need to learn how to manage money and acquire as much of it as possible. Wealth and security are good things, and if your North Node is in Taurus, you shouldn’t feel guilty about seeking riches and comfort.

Gemini North Node

April 17, 1927 – Dec 28, 1928Dec 4, 1945 – Aug 2, 1947Aug 26, 1964 – Feb 19, 1966Mar 17, 1983 – Sep 11, 1984Oct 14, 2001 – Apr 14, 2003May 6, 2020 – Jan 18, 2022

This life is about learning to network and communicate with lots of different kinds of people. Gemini is a social chameleon and an eloquent speaker, so you should work on becoming comfortable in any social setting, even if you’re asked to give a speech.

Cancer North Node

Oct 27, 1925 – Apr 16, 1927May 12, 1944 – Dec 3, 1945Dec 24, 1962 – Aug 25, 1964Sep 25, 1981 – Mar 16, 1983Apr 10, 2000 – Oct 13, 2001Nov 7, 2018 – May 5, 2020

Your past life was probably pretty exciting, and now your soul needs some downtime. Cancer is a very private sign, focused on the home and family. Take a break and cultivate a few deep relationships. Don’t get bogged down with people who don’t really connect with you.

Leo North Node

Apr 23, 1924 – Oct 26, 1925Nov 22, 1942 – May 11, 1944Jun 11, 1961 – Dec 23, 1962Jan 6, 1980 – Sep 24, 1981Oct 21, 1998– Apr 10, 2000May 10, 2017 – Nov 6, 2018

Don’t be shy — a Leo North Node means that this lifetime is all about you! Maybe you didn’t get enough attention in your past life. Start making up for lost time. Leo is an artist and a performer, so do your thing and make sure everybody is watching.

Virgo North Node

Aug 23, 1922 – Apr 22, 1924May 25, 1941 – Nov 21, 1942Dec 16, 1959 – Jun 10, 1961Jul 6, 1978 – Jan 5, 1980Jan 26, 1997 – Oct 20, 1998Nov 12, 2015 – May 9, 2017

There’s some chaos in your karma, and you’re here to put it in order. Virgo is a reserved perfectionist, focused more on research and organization than on other people or emotional upheaval. Stay away from drama and sort yourself out. RELATED: How You Will Die, According To Your Astrological Chart & Zodiac Sign

Libra North Node

Feb 8, 1921 – Aug 22, 1922Jan 1, 1940 – May 24, 1941Jun 17, 1958 – Dec 15, 1959Jan 8, 1977 – Jul 5, 1978Aug 1, 1995 – Jan 25, 1997Feb 19, 2014 – Nov 11, 2015Oct 15, 2032 – May 22, 2032

The North Node in Libra tells you that you’re here to have a good time and appreciate all the beauty and fun that life has to offer. Polish up your negotiation skills so that you can stand up for those who are being treated unfairly, but otherwise, relax and enjoy the ride.

Scorpio North Node

Aug 16, 1919 – Feb 7, 1921Mar 4, 1938 – Sept 11, 1939Oct 5, 1956 – Jun 16, 1958Jul 10, 1975 – Jan 7, 1977Feb 2, 1994 – Jul 31, 1995Aug 30, 2012 – Feb 18, 2014Mar 21, 2031 – Oct 14, 2032

Pursue the mystical weirdness. Go after the metaphysical secrets. Scorpio’s energy is infused with magic and other-worldly wisdom, so with your North Node here, you shouldn’t be too concerned about Earthly success. There are so many other worlds out there for you to learn about.

Sagittarius North Node

Feb 14, 1918 – Aug 15, 1919Sep 14, 1936 – Mar 3, 1938Apr 3, 1955 – Oct 4, 1956Oct 28, 1973 – Jul 9, 1975Aug 2, 1992 – Feb 1, 1994Mar 4, 2011 – Aug 29, 2012Sep 24, 2029 – Mar 20, 2031

Push past your own comfort zone and start exploring! The North Node in Sagittarius tells you that you’re destined for something much bigger than whatever you’ve got now. Become a life-long scholar, ask uncomfortable questions, or travel the world — Sagittarius never sits still. Your soul craves novelty and adventure.

Capricorn North Node

May 31, 1916 – Feb 13, 1918Mar 9, 1935 – Sep 13 1936Feb Oct 10, 1953 – Apr 2, 1955Apr 28, 1972 – Oct 27, 1973Nov 19, 1990 – Aug 1, 1992Aug 22, 2009 – Mar 3, 2011Mar 27, 2028 – Sep 23, 2029

You’re here to learn about determination and patience. Figure out what you want to do with your life, devise a logical plan, and don’t stop until you’ve succeeded. North Node Capricorn seeks professional recognition, and you won’t achieve that by hiding in your house.

Aquarius North Node

Jun 25, 1933 – Mar 8, 1935Mar 29, 1952 – Oct 9, 1953Nov 3, 1970 – Apr 27, 1972May 23, 1989 – Nov 18, 1990Dec 19, 2007 – Aug 21, 2009Jul 27, 2026 – Mar 26, 2028

Aquarius has some very unconventional ideas about how to fix all the world’s problems. With your North Node here, you should try to become involved in activism and promoting your favorite humanitarian causes. Your soul has had enough of focusing on yourself; it’s time to turn your attention to the rest of the world and see what you can do to help.

Pisces North Node

Dec 29, 1931 – Jun 24, 1933Jul 27, 1950 – Mar 28, 1952Apr 20, 1969 – Nov 2, 1970Dec 3, 1987 – May 22, 1989Jun 23, 2006 – Dec 18, 2007Jan 12, 2025 – July 26, 2026

Pisces is a dreamer, a healer, and an empath. A Pisces North Node gives you permission to daydream and explore your own inner worlds to your heart’s content. Pay attention to the emotional aspects of all your relationships, and learn how to strengthen these connections. You might even practice your own psychic abilities. Nothing about Pisces makes rational sense, and sometimes that’s exactly what we need. RELATED: How To Use Astrocartography To Find Out Exactly Where You Belong In The World Trudi Mentior grew up in Great Falls, Montana, where she spent her formative years wondering just what might be beyond those vast plains, on the other side of those distant mountains. She now lives in Vancouver, Washington, with her husband, three cats, and a loudmouthed hyacinth macaw (who loves to scare the cats).