Chakras are often used in meditation or yoga, but are also important to keep open and grounded for self-reflection. And it all begins with the first chakra: the root chakra.

What is the root chakra?

The root chakra is your foundation, located at the base of your body. Because it’s located at the base of the spine, it’s the foundational chakra and is crucially important as a platform for the rest of the chakras. Its Sanskrit name is “muladhara,” which translates to “foundation” or “root.” And the color associated with it is red. Photo: Atarax42 via Wikimedia Commons Studying chakras is an in-depth subject, and the journey of chakras always begins with the first or root chakra. The root chakra is related to the earth element, which includes all things earthly, such as our bodies, survival, our ability to manifest, and our ability to feel safe in the world. RELATED: How Does Past Life Regression Work & How It Heals Your Root Chakra

What does the root chakra represent?

Your root chakra is your “tribal” connection; it’s about having a sense of belonging in the world or in your life, and having a community that you can relate to where you feel support and experience a sense of belonging. Whether that’s your family or another group, it’s important to have that connection in order to have a healthy root chakra. Your root chakra is about feeling safe, grounded and rooted. The lesson you can learn from your root chakra is that we are all connected, we need each other, and we are all one. When balanced and open, the root chakra lets you know that you’re safe and not alone. Your first chakra superpower is acceptance — accepting everything and everyone as they are.

How do you know if your root chakra is blocked or imbalanced?

Someone who’s always moving, traveling, or frequently looking for a new place to live — unless they’re an extremely grounded person — may have a hard time establishing a healthy root chakra. If you have a blocked or imbalanced root chakra, you may feel like you don’t have a place to call home. You may feel unsettled and scattered. You might also have feelings of superiority that cause you to exclude others and carry prejudice. Root chakra imbalance behaviors include greed, hoarding, being ungrounded, a fear of death, and stinginess. In addition, someone with an imbalanced or blocked chakra may experience constipation, weight gain or loss, lethargy or anxiety.

What causes a blocked root chakra?

There are multiple causes of a blocked root chakra, and they are all related to fear of some kind. A blocked root chakra may be caused from feelings of your own insecurity, impatience, anger, financial struggles, and/or restlessness, just to name a few examples. This can easily lead to feelings of depression, disconnection, rage, and even nightmares. RELATED: How To Tell If Your Chakras Are Blocked (& What To Do About It)

How do you know if your root chakra is healthy and balanced?

When you’re well connected to your root chakra, you have a sense of belonging. You feel safe, you feel secure, and you feel grounded and stable. Someone with a balanced root chakra means they have the ability to bond and create a meaningful connection with another. You’re loyal to yourself and others.

How To Open, Ground & Unblock Your Root Chakra

Balancing the root chakra is incredibly important, as it can impact not only your physical body but your mental health as well. So if you want to ground your root chakra, the first step is to feel your feet. There following exercise will allow energy to flow, and can help if you’re feeling fearful, scattered, or too mentally active (stuck in your head, ruminating). You’ll experience a beautiful root chakra healing and opening.

1. Sit in a comfortable position.

This can be either in a chair or on the ground. The best location would be outside, sitting on the ground, in order to form a stronger connection with the earth. If you’re sitting in a chair, start by feeling your feet on the ground. No matter where you’re sitting, begin to feel the bottom of your body. Feel that part of your body that’s in contact with the chair, floor or earth.

2. Breathe into that connection.

Be aware of your tailbone and your perineum. Breathe into them. Imagine a chord coming from your root chakra down deep into Mother Earth. Imagine that this cord you’re sending down is a beautiful red color. Let it reach as far down as you can imagine. Breathe that chord from the bottom of your body, deep into the earth. Take time to feel your connection to the earth. Stay in this awareness for as long as you would like.

3. Recite affirmations.

Once you feel you’ve established that connection to the earth and to the bottom of your body, you can begin reciting your affirmations that are related to the positive expression of your first chakra:

“I am safe.““I am stable.““I belong.““I accept myself and others.”

Repeat one or all of these affirmations and let them move through you.

4. Feel the vibration of the words and their effect on you.

You can put your hands on your heart and send heart energy down into your root chakra, as long as you can keep your attention at the base of your body. Imagine your heart energy flowing down into your root, magnifying the feelings of being grounded and feeling safe.

5. Welcome in the powerful energy.

Breathe Mother Earth and her powerful energy up into your first chakra. Let that earth energy come into your pelvic bowl — healing, grounding and strengthening you, and filling you with vitality. Allow your whole pelvic bowl to open and receive as you relax. Bask in the feeling of the root chakra resonance that you have created and self-reflect. Along with this exercise to open and balance your chakras, you can also walk barefoot in nature, connect with your physical body by doing yoga poses, or using grounding essential oils. RELATED: What Is Chakra Meditation And How To Do It Effectively Anna-Thea is an author and Certified Divine Feminine Educator. She educates people on how to claim their bodies as sacred. If you’d like to open and balance your chakras, check out her Guided Chakra Meditation for beginners. This article was originally published at Reprinted with permission from the author.

What The Root Chakra Is Responsible For   How To Unblock Yours   Anna Thea - 19