In numerology, there are five core numbers that are important in deciding who you are and what path you should take in life. These essential numbers in your numerology chart include your Birthday Number, Life Path Number, Personality Number, Expression Number, and Soul Urge Number. But let’s talk about your Personality Number. This number is special in that it gives you a glimpse into how everyone sees you.

What is a Personality Number?

The Personality Number has everything to do with what aspects of yourself you choose to share with the world. Think of it as your public representative. Your Personality Number is a mask that you wear to influence how others perceive you. But this number shouldn’t be viewed as deceitful; rather, as a way of filtering your interactions and saving the most personal parts of yourself for those that are deserving. RELATED: What Your Karmic Debt Number Means & How To Find It Your personality is like a waiting room for those that want to enter the grand ballroom that is you. You start by inviting newcomers to see basic characteristics that are viewable to everyone. As time goes on, you learn who you can trust and give them access to deeper parts of your persona. You start to reveal your desires, passions, and vulnerabilities. You can also consider your Personality Number as the numerological equivalent to your Rising sign in astrology. Your Personality Number is a censoring method. It controls the messages you send out and regulates what you take in. While the real you may be open and receptive, the Personality Number represents the protective side, screening out people and situations that do not suit you.

How to Calculate Your Personality Number

Your Personality Number is easy to calculate. It only requires your full name, unlike other core numbers that require your complete birth date or time of your birth. To calculate your Personality Number, add the digits that correspond to the consonant letters of your full name at the time of birth together. 1 = A, J, S 2 = B, K, T 3 = C, L, U 4 = D, M, V 5 = E, N, W 6 = F, O, X 7 = G, P, Y 8 = H, Q, Z 9 = I, R For instance, if your name is SAMUEL JONES, you would assign a numerical value to each consonant letter in the name: S = 1 M = 4 L = 3 J = 1 N = 5 S = 1 Then, add the numbers together. 1 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 5 + 1 = 15 (1 + 5) = Personality Number 6 Just like your Life Path Number, you can reduce your Personality Number to one or two digits, but only if those two-digit numbers are Master Numbers 11, 22 or 33. RELATED: The Spiritual Meaning Of Seeing Repeating Angels Numbers: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99

Personality Number Meanings

Your Personality Number can help to provide a blueprint for how you should navigate the world. Each number has its own distinct meaning. Once your number is calculated and you’ve found yours, learn more about the façade you portray to the world.

Personality Number 1

Those with a Personality Number 1 are natural leaders. They exude confidence and creativity, and are loyal, sometimes to a fault. Those with this Personality Number should be aware of their own ego, making sure it doesn’t make them overconfident. Number 1s should try to be more compassionate and open to others’ ideas.

Personality Number 2

If you have a Personality Number 2, you may be moody, so you will always need to monitor it to make sure you aren’t hot and cold. Number 2’s shyness could also get in the way of their desired progress. On the positive side, Number 2s are generally friendly, honest and trustworthy. If you happen to get into their inner circle, they will be one of the most reliable friends you have and can provide a shoulder to cry on in times of need.

Personality Number 3

Personality Number 3 has no shortage of creativity and exhibits a strong sense of intuition. Their communication skills are top tier, and they know exactly what to say to get their point across. However, Number 3’s opportunistic nature can be seen as manipulative, so they must be careful not to turn people off with their ability to take advantage of the circumstances.

Personality Number 4

Personality Number 4 is rarely seen as the life of the party. They tend to be serious about life and are perceived to be dull by those around them. But Number 4s are nurturing and family-oriented. They tend to be stable, providing security to their loved ones, and they have a mature outlook on life.

Personality Number 5

Personality Number 5s are enjoyable to be around. No situation is too big for them to tackle. They keep their spirits lifted and aren’t afraid of taking risks. On the other hand, Number 5s sometimes chew off more than they can handle. They overburden themselves with the problems of others, so they should practice regular self-care.

Personality Number 6

Personality Number 6s are super-caring and warm. They are not prone to regular ups and downs, and stay well-balanced. They are generous and meet any responsibilities they choose to take on. The downfall for Number 6s is that they are subject to a lot of stress and worry, especially over money. Rightfully so, since they can be frivolous when it comes to finances.

Personality Number 7

Personality Number 7s are rational and only do what makes logical sense. They are highly intelligent and always carry themselves with dignity. Others can be put off by Number 7’s reserved attitudes and seemingly unemotional ways. But those with this Personality Number are often unbothered by what others think of them.

Personality Number 8

Personality Number 8 is the most likely to have seen success. That is partly due to their great judgment, discipline, and intuition. But Number 8s can be domineering, imposing their will on others, which can push people away. They can also come off as show-offs when talking about the spoils of their successes.

Personality Number 9

Personality Number 9s are lovable and popular. They are magnetic, drawing people into them. Their charm, coupled with their generosity, makes them influential in social circles. Number 9s may also be seen as aloof due to their expectations and sense of entitlement. The more attention and accolades they get, the more arrogant they can become.

Personality Number 11

Personality Number 11 is sensitive and vulnerable. They love to be surrounded with friends and family, and enjoy peaceful settings. That vulnerability can also be a double-edged sword. Those that come into contact with them may see them as weak or negative, and may try to use them as a punching bag.

Personality Number 22

Personality Number 22 is consistent and reliable. They always do their best at whatever they commit to. Although powerful, Number 22s can easily feel insecure and inferior to others. A lack of confidence can cause them to lose the ambition they have come to be known for.

Personality Number 33

Personality Number 33 is confident and inspiring. They give off a parental vibe that makes others feel like they should listen. Number 33s love all things artistic and are naturally creative. But one glaring weakness for Number 33 is their inability to judge people correctly. This often leaves them vulnerable and worried as they frequently find themselves in unhealthy relationships. RELATED: People Say These ‘Divine’ Quantum Codes Can Help You Heal Almost Anything NyRee Ausler is a writer from Seattle, Washington, and author of seven books. She covers lifestyle, entertainment and news, and self-focused content, as well as navigating the workplace and social issues.