RELATED: 7 People Reveal The Heartbreaking Ways They Found Out Their Partner Was Cheating There were different tips and styles to choose from, and it appeared to be the best trend to happen to men, especially those who found shaving to be a grueling chore. However, one survey found that beards, just like most trends, are going out of style soon… and not just because bearded men realized the importance of shaving. 

Men who have beards are more likely to cheat on you, says a study.

The video social network, Eva, commissioned research to find out whether there is a link between facial hair and bad habits such as fighting, stealing, and cheating. Researchers also surveyed women with their preference between bearded men and clean-shaven men. Censuswide conducted a nationwide survey of the U.K. population and the results were interesting. RELATED: Woman Praised For Making Boyfriend Buy Her A Nose Job After Catching Him Cheating “We commissioned this research to drive awareness of what the general population thinks of the humble beard, and the survey yielded fantastic insight into people’s opinions on this quite divisive topic!" says the blog post.  But before we go into the logistics of the research, remember that correlation does not mean causation. There may be other outside factors involved in the results of the study.  The survey found that 45 percent of men with goatees confessed to enjoying fist fights, and another 40 percent admitted to having stolen something (is it a macho man thing or what?). Forty-seven percent of long-mustachioed men confessed to cheating on their significant others (are the mustaches really that irresistible?). Furthermore, 43 percent admitted to having been fired before. Meanwhile, only 29 percent of clean-shaven men admitted to enjoying fist fights, and only 17 percent confessed to cheating. RELATED: Woman Loudly Confronts Cheating Boyfriend At His Work After Learning He Was Talking To Other Girls Behind Her Back In addition, as much as we like to believe that there is something attractive and sexually appealing about facial hair, it turns out that they don’t really light the fires of desire in the majority of women in the U.K. When asked if they think beards looked good on men, a whopping 65 percent said “no.” Half proclaimed that they would never be romantically involved with a guy with a beard. To add fuel to the fire, between a gray-haired man and a bearded man, 35 percent of women responded that they’d rather date a gray-haired man. Even more, 44 percent found beards unclean, and 39 percent had a fear of food getting stuck in them. So, when it comes to dating preferences, 62 percent prefer their men clean-shaven as opposed to bearded. Well, it was good while it lasted, but like everything else, it’s time to trim this trend and start over with a clean slate. RELATED: Woman Catches Boyfriend Cheating Hours After Giving Birth Thanks To One Suspicious Clue Caithlin Pena is a journalist and reporter covering entertainment and news, relationships, and pop culture. Her work has appeared on NYC News Service, TODAY, YourTango, and NBC.