Our ability to string words together and understand each other is nothing short of magical. So magical, in fact, that some people think words are literally magic.

Are words magic?

According to one theory, the words we use when speaking and writing are so powerful that they’re actually akin to casting spells. The theory claims that the alphabet system was built using sacred geometry and sound, providing each word with magical elements. These words produce frequencies and vibrations that direct energy. RELATED: How To Get Out Of A Bad Mood, According To Abraham Hicks While that may all sound a little outlandish, it’s really the same belief that the Law of Attraction and the power of manifestation are built off of. YouTuber Gary Lite explains that “one of the earliest definitions of magic is the ‘art of influencing events and producing marvels using hidden natural forces’ — which is exactly what the Law of Attraction claims words can do. According to the Law of Attraction, all thoughts are made up of vibrations. All matter is made up of vibrations, and therefore the thoughts you put into the universe using words create your reality. The many different manifestation techniques put this theory into practice. Perhaps it’s no coincidence that words are produced by spelling and magic is produced by spells. Likewise, Lite notes that the negative energy of curses in the magical sense is mirrored by the negative effects of curse words in language.

The theory suggests that the English language was carefully developed using magic words designed to manipulate.

According to this theory, the words we use in our everyday life have different spellings and surface meanings than the meanings intended by those who created the language. However, the underlying vibrations are the same and have a powerful effect on us. For example, take the way we talk about work and the ensuing effect is has on our psychology. RELATED: How To Calibrate Your Vibration When Your Frequency Feels Off We earn a living by working hard during the weekdays and look forward to the weekend. The word earn is a homonym for urn. Likewise, “weekdays” can also be spelled as “weak daze,” and “weekend,” as “weakened.” Each of these words has totally different meanings, but the vibrations are the same, which can muddle your energy and lead you to speak things into existence that you don’t intend to.

Only those that fully understand the power of words have control.

Of course, we have to use words to get through life and communicate with others. But in order to have complete control over words and the effect they have on you, it’s important to look into their etymology, or their origin and how their meanings have developed and changed over time. Being mindful of a word’s etymology can help you adjust your energy accordingly. Energy and intent ultimately dictate the vibrations that you put into the universe, which can help you not only avoid unknowingly casting spells on yourself and others but also prevent others from doing it to you. RELATED: Why Prisons Are Painted Baker-Miller Pink — And How Kendall Jenner Used The Same Color For ‘Mind Control’ Micki Spollen is an editor, writer, and traveler. Follow her on Instagram and keep up with her travels on her website.