Five years. That is how long I’ve been in a relationship. A relationship that has given me all that I could ask for and more. He is the reason I am the person I am today. In fact, the best part of me will always be him. You don’t realize it happening at first; it starts out slow. Every conversation, every phone call, and every single moment brings you closer together. You begin to open yourself up to someone like you never have before. RELATED: 18 Comforting Signs He’s The One They listen to you when you’re struggling, cheer you up on your absolute worst days, and know when you just need a hug. They know your strengths and weaknesses, what makes you laugh and cry. Your dreams, fears, good and bad moments, are slowly starting to be shared with the person who is becoming your all. They become more than just your significant other; they become your best friend, your person. You have no idea what you would do without them. When you’re away from them, your heart aches. You long to be with the one you love and count down the minutes until you see them next. And when you’re with them, your world becomes a million times better and seems clearer than ever before. And then you realize: they are a part of you, fully and completely. You let someone into your heart and soul, allowing them to become a significant part of your life. Your someone brings out the best part of you, every day, whether you realize it or not. They push you to be the best you and give you more than you could ever ask for. They become your number one fan, cheering for you constantly, and are with you every step of the way. You let go of your insecurities and let yourself be your full self around them. Your inspiration and motivation for everything you do is because of them, and always will be. Your significant other completely changes your life. Five years ago I was not the person I am today. He has given me the strength and confidence to take on any challenge. RELATED: 5 Tiny Things People In The Best Relationships Do For Each Other Every Single Day He has shown me unconditional love, even when we both may not agree on the same thing, and has reminded me that even at our worst, he is still there for me. He has shown me that anything I want could be achieved if I put my mind to it. I have seen how hard he has worked at everything he has done, which has motivated me to do the same. From school to athletics to everything in between, he is driven and motivated to perform to the best of his ability. I have seen him be an amazing older sibling and put his family first on many occasions, which has allowed me to do the same. It took me a while to appreciate how much my boyfriend is truly a part of me. He is always right there for me, and the person I can go to for anything and everything. He loves me unconditionally and is my entire world. He can easily brighten my day within seconds, and seeing him puts the biggest smile on my face. The world today often prioritizes individualism and views being in a relationship as stripping you of your independence. While those who are single may think this, my experience has shown me that being in a relationship can be liberating and empowering. Being in a relationship has given me the chance to grow as a person. Most importantly, he brings out the best in me. And the best part of me will always be him. RELATED: The Simple Secret To Having A Better Relationship (It’s Not Rocket Science!) Alessandra Barone is a writer, world traveler, and Criminal Justice major at St. John’s University. She writes about dating, relationships, and pop culture. This article was originally published at Unwritten. Reprinted with permission from the author.