We all have goals and things we hope to achieve. When we were kids, we were told to dream big. But, once we grow older and experience life, our lenses become a little more restricted. We are quick to assume we won’t get what we want or that the work we need to do is too challenging. Then, the next thing you know, we’ve talked ourselves out of whatever we were trying to achieve. However, I have learned that once you let go of the fear and work towards your vision, amazing things will fall into place. RELATED: The ‘S.M.A.R.T.’ Way To Be Successful In Every Aspect Of Your Life Many individuals have gone through something truly traumatic or devastating and have chosen to rise out and make their life better. Some have used their experiences to write books, give talks, or motivate others to be their best selves. If we let go of our fear and begin to work towards the vision, we will feel more fulfilled and accomplished.

Below are some ways you can overcome your fear and begin to create your vision.

1. Make a vision board.

No matter your age, making a vision board allows you to visualize your deepest desires. Seeing them every day keeps them at the forefront of your brain. It may take longer to achieve than you would hope for, but it’ll feel so good once you do.

2. Journal your fears.

Though overcoming your fears is the main objective, it’s important to know how to do so. If we just ignore and bury them, they are likely to resurface at an inopportune time. Dedicating time each day to journaling — even doing stream of consciousness writing with no specific topic — can be helpful.

3. Reward yourself.

Create a map of your vision and the steps you’ll take to get there. Once you achieve each step, give yourself a small reward. This doesn’t have to be anything elaborate — even just a glass of wine with a friend, a bubble bath, or a coffee from your favorite cafe will suffice. It’s important since continually rewarding yourself will keep you driven. RELATED: What’s More Important, Your Vision Or Your Goals? An Expert’s Take On How To Succeed

4. Reach out to others.

Consulting with someone who has achieved something similar to your vision can give you a good outlook. If you have a desire to start a certain career, speak to someone who is in it now. If you have an idea for a non-profit, research if it’s been done before and reach out to those who have done it. People who you deem successful and having accomplished something similar will be open to giving you advice. Everyone started somewhere.

5. Play it out.

Doing some deeper elaboration on what achieving your goals would look like can help beam your focus. In an article on his site, Tony Robbins quotes: “Consider what your life will look like if you don’t achieve this outcome and compare it to what your life will look like if you do. Once you feel that your goal is essential, the fear of not trying at all eclipses the fear of failure — that’s when you’ll be inspired to act.”

6. Recognize your excuses.

As mentioned above, we are so quick to make excuses and talk ourselves out of something we want to do. Make sure to recognize when you’re doing that and find ways to prevent it instead. There are many resources online that can help you avoid doubting yourself and making excuses.

7. Start now.

Even if you don’t have every single thing worked out, taking small steps towards achieving your vision will encourage you to keep going. Doing research, telling others, and getting into action will transition your plan from vision to reality.

8. Believe in yourself.

We’ve saved the best for last. You are your biggest supporter and cheerleader. Only you fully know the vision you are trying to pursue and how to get there. So if you believe in it, it will come to fruition. Go after your dreams. You’ll regret it if you don’t, and you have nothing to lose, only gain. RELATED: 10 Things Happy (& Successful!) People Do Way Differently Theresa Faughnan is a writer whose work focuses on lifestyle, family, and mental health topics. Visit her author profile on Unwritten for more. This article was originally published at Unwritten. Reprinted with permission from the author.