An angel number is a repetitive number you may keep seeing that is telling you that your angels are seeing and hearing you. Each number has a vibrational energy or frequency that carries a higher meaning not related to numbers themselves. Angel numbers appear when the Universe is communicating to you with love. Your angel numbers are there to call your attention and direct you to your life’s purpose. They are angels who are sending you messages. You may see your angel number on clocks, in phone numbers, license plates, ID numbers, or even in patterns on fabrics where normally one wouldn’t see a number at all. That’s a big indicator that the Universe is trying to tell you something. If you’re asking yourself why you keep seeing the time of 12:12, or the sequence of 1212, this article can give you guidance and what you should do when you see 1212 everywhere.

1212 Angel Number Meaning

The angel number 1212 is one of the most commonly-seen angel numbers out there, and its meaning and message are powerful. This is a powerful number and a strong reminder that you, yourself, have great power to dictate the path of your life, simply by guiding your own thoughts toward a positive approach to life. If you keep seeing 1212, it means better things are coming and you are ready for them — you just need to trust in yourself and your own strength. Number 1212 is also there to remind you to keep a positive state of mind; it’s the little encouragement in your head that’s saying, “Don’t stop. Don’t give up. Keep going.” Another meaning of 1212 is that it’s asking you to step out of your comfort zone to start something new. It’s telling you to jump into that thing you keep saying you will do one day. The repetitive number is asking you to have courage and faith in yourself, and to achieve your goals. It’s nudging you in the direction to take action to help align your honest truths within yourself and make them a reality. It also has strong manifestation powers, as 1111 does. RELATED: Angel Number 444 Meaning: Why You Keep Seeing 4:44 Angel number 1212 is a message from your angels that you need to stay positive and share love with your family. When you see it, it’s a reminder to shift your thought patterns from the negative to positive. Pause, take a breath, and see where you can make that shift in the way you’re thinking at that exact moment. What negative thoughts can you acknowledge and then dismiss? What positive thoughts can you re-introduce to your present frame of mind?

Reasons Why You Keep Seeing 1212

A signal from your angel guides in the form of angel number 1212 may also prompt you to spend time with your family. When you see 1212 or 12:12, you have been sent a sign of unity, purity, love, and virtue. No matter what you face, use positive affirmations to find a way to focus your energy on obtaining your greatest desires and goals. When you see the number 12:12 on a clock, doors, emails, or anywhere in your life, this is a sign that the Universe intends to bring you confidence, creativity, hope, and peace. This is a sign that the realization of your dreams is close and within your own control. Continuing to see 1212 means your angels are sending a message of reassurance that you are ready for the good things that are coming your way. All you need to do is continue to push through the hard times and embrace the challenges. When all is said and done, you’ll find yourself on the other side in a positive mindset. Think of seeing 1212 as the encouragement you need to keep moving forward, while keeping a positive attitude and believing in yourself.

1212 Meaning In Numerology

The number 1212 combines the vibrational energies of 1 and 2, but doubled. That is to say, it’s 1 + 2 + 1 + 2. These numbers symbolize very important aspects. The number 1 holds the power to your thoughts, and your greatest desires have the ability to manifest. It’s also a positive number that represents the Divine. But the number 2 holds the aspect of yourself where you find the drive to cooperate, establish diplomacy, and form beneficial and meaningful relationships. Furthermore, Life Path Number 2 symbolizes unity and harmony. That’s why the number 1212 pushes for you to establish meaningful relationships that will help bring you prosperity: loving situations and a strong, healthy family. The fact that 1212 simplifies to the number 6 (1 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 6) only adds to the power of this angel number in your life. When you have the number 6 in your life, you will find strong love and affection for the people around you. In numerology, the number 6 represents love, domestic life, and the prosperity of the family, the nurturing of the family, and the family itself, affirming what we learned from the repeating numbers 1 and 2 of angel number 1212. Life Path Number 6 is also the mother and the nurturer of numerology. This number is about creating and caring for a home and family. So, keep that in mind when you see angel number 1212.

There are three other very important angel numbers hidden within 1212: numbers 12, 121, and 212.

Angel number 121 is a message to stay positive, maintain faith, and trust in your angels and the Universal energies as your feelings, beliefs, and thoughts will manifest into your reality. Angel number 212 also appears in 1212. 212, being 2 and 1, is much like what is mentioned above. However, 212 also resonates for people with strong leadership skills and those who are driven for success. 212 as an angel number is also a great sign for relationships and love. With the success aspects of 212, the number 1212 may be just be the push you need to get out of your comfort zone to live your true dreams. It also contains angel number 12, which means you should focus on your divine life purpose and also on your soul mission. Having the number doubled puts emphasis on it. RELATED: What Are Master Numbers? What Numbers 11, 22 & 33 Mean In Numerology

Biblical Meaning Of 1212

The number 1212 is very virtuous and promotes unity, so if you have been questioning your faith lately, the number 1212 is going to bring faith back into your life. You’re going to have very impactful religious moments that will reignite your faith. This number reminds you that you need to remain faithful, even if God is not responding to your prayers. At this point, you need to stay patient and keep your faith in your higher power because, right now, He is working to bring solutions to your problems. There are three important Bible verses whose address is 12:12, and they are found in Luke 12:12, 1 Corinthians 12:12, and Romans 12:12. Each talks of faith, unity, and prayer. This is the time for you to trust God and put your faith in him. “For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.” —​Luke 12:12 “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” —1 Corinthians 12:12 “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” —Romans 12:12

What is the meaning of 1212 spiritually?

Angel number 1212 alludes to spiritual growth and an awakening in your near future. Spiritually, seeing the number 1212 can also mean the Universe wants you to take a break. You need time to think about your life, regroup, and reorganize things before you start to move forward. It’s important to really evaluate your life before you move on to what’s next. Angel number 1212 represents the transitional period of your life and being fully aware of what’s around you.

What does 1212 mean in love?

When you see the number 1212, it means love is right around the corner. It’s a message from your guardian angels that you’re about to meet “the one.” You will notice the number 1212 or the time 12:12 when you’re around others, and when you notice the number, you might find that your crush is nearby. You also need to take your relationship at face value; that is what 1212 is trying to convey to you. It’s a good time to stay positive and really see the beauty of the love you’re surrounded with. And don’t forget to push yourself outside your comfort zone sometimes, too. Your love life is about to get very interesting.

How does angel number 1212 connect with astrology?

Number 1212 represents the 12 zodiac signs, and when considered as a complete unit represents the completion of a life cycle. Zodiac signs are the symbol of how your energies work to impact who you are in life or your personality. Number 12 also links to Pisces as the 12th sign of the Zodiac. Pisces is the last zodiac sign in astrology and the end of a life cycle. Therefore, 12 is associated with completion; everything has made a complete full circle and will restart with a new year. RELATED: What It Means If You Keep Seeing Angel Number 1010 Emily Francos is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture, and relationship topics. For more of her content, follow her on Facebook.​