Not only that, but younger men and their future partners continue to benefit from these encounters later when the guys inform healthy, long-term relationships with women closer to their own age. On the other hand, some men find what they initially thought was a fleeting attraction to “cougars” ends up becoming their “type.”

Why do younger men like having sex with older women?

Once you’ve had great sex with an older woman, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a better tutor, mate, or lover. RELATED: Women Become Really, Really Sex-Crazed As Their Libido Peaks At This Age, Says Study Here are ten reasons so many younger men say having sex with older women is hot — all of which are excellent sex tips to try out in your own bedroom.

1. It’s a numbers game… More years of experience = better sex.

Age alone often indicates many more years of experience, possibly with multiple partners. Before marriage, they may have had a few partners. After divorce, the notches on their bedposts may have gone up exponentially.

2. Older women have had lots of practice.

Cougars have been in long-term relationships and marriages, which have provided years of sexual experience with one partner. Those memories are implanted into the older woman’s brain and, whether good sex or bad sex, have shaped her sexual expertise.

3. Older women know what they want.

Their self-awareness comes from years of experience and communicating with sexual partners. They’ve tried following expert sex tips and advice about different positions, techniques and fetishes. They’ve self-pleasured themselves for many years, and aren’t afraid of communicating the stuff that really gets them purring. If the woman doesn’t know what she wants, it’s hard for the man to figure it out. Cougars know exactly what they want and which buttons the guy needs to press.

4. Older women have learned what men want, too.

And they are eager to find out the specific desires of their current boyfriend. They’ve been taught by a variety of partners which positions and techniques turn men on. They ask questions and figure out what makes their man roar like the king of a lion’s den. What they don’t know, they will research in books, movies, or on the Internet.

5. Older women are likely to enjoy sex as much as their male partner.

They don’t have any delusions that they are going to hook this man into marriage and/or start a family. This takes the pressure off a man who just wants to have fun without obligations. This stress-relief is a major reason great sex can be achieved with an older woman who isn’t as needy or demanding.

6. Older women realize the importance of sex in a relationship.

She may have been in a marriage where sex was withheld. She won’t use sex as a bargaining chip or try to get something materialistic from the younger man. Cougars know the psychological and physical benefits of regular sex.

7. It’s flattering to a younger man when a hot older woman finds him desirable.

It’s a challenge to be with an attractive, sexy older lady who is physically fit and keeps herself well-groomed. She has the time to take care of herself since her children are older and less dependent.

8. Many older women enjoy teaching eager younger students.

They know when to be dominant and submissive. The man senses this knowledge and power, which is very stimulating. An older woman will buy books, lingerie, sex toys, candles, and wine to set the mood.

9. Older women are more likely to have confidence in their bodies and sexual prowess.

This is a huge turn-on for men who may have been with young girls who are just learning the ropes. The younger girls may be self-conscious and uncomfortable talking dirty in bed. Older women are spontaneous and comfortable being naked.

10. Older women are less likely to be afraid to communicate.

A younger man will know exactly where he stands with her. She won’t play mind games with her younger man by not answering her phone. She will approach a man in a bar and not wait for him to make the first move. She will indicate what she wants from the relationship. She will openly share her sexual needs and desires. She isn’t worried about losing the man if she expresses herself. RELATED: I’m A 62-Year-Old Woman Who’s Never Dated Anyone Over 41

What are some causes of decreased libido in older women?

Decreased interest in sex may stem from decreased estrogen levels and thinning vaginal tissue that accompany menopause. Sex can be more uncomfortable and painful for women because of the loss of estrogen, which can cause side effects like the thinning of the vaginal walls, making them drier, less elastic, and sometimes inflamed from vaginal burning and itching. During a woman’s midlife years, some experience this change; however, not all women do. For example, women in their 50s tend to be more confident with their bodies and who they are, and want their spouse or partner to make them feel comfortable as well — but also to flirt a bit and have fun. Just because you’re older, that doesn’t mean your sex life can’t be fun anymore. An older woman is likely to want her partner to last longer, to be patient, observant, loving, open to trying new things, and to be passionate with her, all of which make for better sex in general.

Can a relationship between a younger man and an older woman work?

While young men may seek out older women just for sex, there are others who might be interested in pursuing a romantic relationship beyond a physical connection. That said, a significant age gap between two partners comes with its own set of challenges. Whether it’s a difference in values, experience, or finances, there are complications that can end a potential relationship before it starts. But despite this, most individuals can look past their age differences. If two partners are invested in their relationship and want to remain together, they can try relationship therapy to better understand one another, spend more time together, and remember why they fell in love in the first place. After all, age ain’t nothing but a number. RELATED: My Mom Is A Cougar — And Dating Men My Age (I’m 26) KarenLee Poter, MSW, is the host of the KarenLee Poter Show on Dating, Love, Sex and Everything In Between, as well the author of A Cougar’s Guide To Getting Your A$$ Back Out There.