She went to Reddit’s “r/AmItheA–hole” (AITA) thread — a place where people from across the internet ask for advice on a conflict in their lives.

The woman says her half-sister overheard her rant to the school office that she isn’t her family.

“My father has way too many children," she started her post. “As of this year, he’s up to 11 children with 6 different mothers.” She describes their living situation and how “Moms 1 and 2” decided to live together and raise their children together — she’s one of those four children. RELATED: Groom Kicks Mom Out Of Wedding After She Shows Up With First Wife’s Parents “We decided a long time ago that we, meaning the four of us, were the only siblings we were going to have," she continued.  “No claiming any other children he may have as siblings or even acknowledging them if we could help it. I know it sounds bad, but on a practical level, we had to draw a line somewhere. We’ve made our stance clear.” “Our moms and our father are fine with it but the other moms aren’t. Mom 5 REALLY isn’t. Despite never having met her kid, she insists to everyone that will listen that we are her kid’s siblings.” She goes on to explain that the child is now in kindergarten and, despite their wishes, the mother put her down as the little girl’s emergency contact for the school.  “Last week, the school called us to come get her because she was sick. We wanted to ignore it, but they demanded that we come in and made threats, so we decided to go to the school to make it clear that they needed to take us off the list.” The woman describes the altercation with the people in the office, emphasizing her argument that they were “not responsible for her in any way,” equating them to “strangers off the street” since they never treat her like family. “They had brought her into the office while we were talking, so she heard all of this.” RELATED: Couple Reveal They Might Be Half-Siblings After Finding Out Their Mothers Slept With The Same Man

Now the mother is demanding an apology.

The mother called the woman, furious that she would say all of that in front of her child, saying she “broke her heart in front of everyone.” The woman stands by their actions, saying that when you claim somebody as a sibling there are obligations that come along with it and they don’t want any of that. She also insists that they weren’t aware the child was there but said “it had to be said anyway, and she was going to figure out the truth. It’s not personal at all.” Now, since the family is torn, she is wondering if she was wrong for doing what she did.  RELATED: Dad Calls CPS On Ex-Wife After His Kids Came Home With Old Clothes, Sparking Debate

Reddit users reassured her that she wasn’t wrong.

Plenty of users below agree that it’s a little suspicious that the mother put the woman down as an emergency contact without first discussing it.  “How can they even accept someone as an emergency contact without getting approval from the emergency contact? I feel like they should require a signed acknowledgement and acceptance from the person being put down as an emergency contact,” one user wrote.  One parent shared their own experience with dealing with school emergency contact lists, showing just how easy it is to put somebody down without their knowledge. “None of my kid’s schools (9th grade now) required the emergency contact to given consent to be listed. I get the feeling that they assume whoever is on the list knows they’re on the list. Hell, one year I couldn’t take my kid to her open house because of an injury and the neighbor who baby sat for us took her instead.” “The neighbor filled out the emergency contact list while there, listing me and grandma as primary contacts and herself/her husband as emergency contacts so any one of the 4 of us could get her in the event of an emergency. (Which I 100% was ok with) The school didn’t call to verify anything with me.” It seems there’s a general agreement in the comments that the woman is “Not the A–hole” (NTA).  RELATED: Six Wives, Nine Children: The Startling True Story Of My Father Spanning Decades Victoria Soliz is a writer who covers news and entertainment content. Her work explores pop culture trends, film and TV, and celebrity news