You can also boost your confidence through affirmations and self-love and self-care because it’s proven that people want a partner with confidence. Who wants to be with someone who doesn’t even like themselves? All of that helps, but what if there was another, better, more fulfilling way to become more attractive to potential partners? According to a study by Petsies, there is! Oh, and it involves dogs. During the study, about 1,000 people were shown photos of potential partners, holding various sizes and varieties of pets. What they found is that certain kinds of pets made people more attractive to those looking at the photos. Surely, pets can’t make someone more attractive just by holding them, but they can trick people into thinking they’re more attractive because pets are cute. Plus, having a pet shows that you can take care of not only yourself but another living being, which can be very attractive to people. RELATED: 5 Best Low-Maintenance Pets For Apartment Living Check below to see the pet that makes you most attractive:

Infograph: Petsies The photos used cats, kittens, large dogs, medium dogs, small dogs, and puppies. The findings were quite different according to gender. For females, the pet that made them look the most attractive were medium-sized dogs, with small dogs coming in second and cats coming in last (wait, so this might explain a lot about cat ladies and their tendency to be alone). When it came to men, it was those holding puppies that were seen as most attractive, with cats coming in second and large dogs coming in last. Going by the survey results, women are about 7 percent more attractive to men if they are holding a medium-sized dog! For guys, they were perceived 30 percent more attractive by women if they had a puppy in their arms. This is likely why people on dating apps use pets in their pictures all the time without realizing there’s a science behind it. People love pets, just make sure you don’t swipe right on the guy holding up the fish. This survey might be the best thing that you read all week because you now know that just carrying around your pet will make you instantly hotter. Instead of straightening my hair this week, I might just borrow my friend’s medium-sized dog and see how things go. Of course, you could always buy your own pet to take care of and grow attached to, but for science, borrow someone else’s pet and test it out, you might get some great results.

Women Who Have This Kind Of Dog Attract The Most Men  Says Study - 78